Hi Scott,

From: "Scott Gray" <scott.g...@hotwaxmedia.com>
The currency transform already allows you to specify the rounding,

Yes I know that. But I was not speaking about the FTL side but the Widget side. Unless I miss something OfbizCurrencyTransform is not used there.

although IMO rounding shouldn't generally be necessary for display because the value itself should have already been appropriately rounded.

I totally agree. BTW it's something I neglicted in r813136, fixed in r81434.

But I continue to think that it's good that this rounding arg is available in OfbizCurrencyTransform, the more flexiblity we have/offer the better. So I think we should have the same possibilty in widget. But maybe it exists and I am missing something ?

I'd also like to take the opportunity to speak about something else but very dependent : should we not use the "ShoppingCart.Display" methods also in the Order Manager (ie in showcart.ftl ) ?
In both cases I don't think we need to show taxes by items but only the total 
(even if there are different rates).



HotWax Media

On 13/09/2009, at 11:41 AM, Jacques Le Roux wrote:


I wonder if we should not have something like rounding arg in  ofbiztransform 
retVal = UtilFormatOut.formatCurrency(parsedRetVal, isoCode, locale, 10); // we set the max to 10 digits as an hack to not round numbers in the ui



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