Hi Brett

Comments inline


On 19/09/2009, at 12:44 AM, Brett Palmer wrote:

There are a few of us working on the seleniumXml test framework that was added to the project a few weeks ago. I would like to continue improving
this framework and helping others add test cases for the project.

I'm looking for recommendations from the community on the following topics:

1. Documentation: I would like to create a documentation area for this
subject.  Should this have its own "space" or be part of the Technical
Documentation? How do I go about getting permission to add this type of

I would also like this area to document future direction for the framework
as well as provide a place for feedback.

What are the recommendations from the community?

I think the OFBTECH space is the right spot, I've gone ahead and granted you access.

2, Patches for the existing seleniumxml code. I have several patches for
the existing code.  Should I attach these patches to the existing JIRA
https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/OFBIZ-2116 that is now closed or
should I open a new JIRA ticket?

A new ticket should be fine

3. There are several new features we would like to add to the framework. Should we open new JIRA tickets for each feature and if we do that what
"component" do we use?  Should there be a new component created for
"testing" or should we just stick with "framework" for now.

I would stick with the framework component, you could always just prefix the ticket name with seleniumXml:... for easy searching.

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