I deleted the .cowstate.xml file and then everything seemed fine. But again this morning I found the same exception. Is the .cowstate.xml remains somewhere in the cache which Webslinger uses? I restarted the server, to flush the cache, and everything again is fine.

Please help as there is no place I can find help on Webslinger other than here.

Adam / Ean  - Please share some light on the issue. Its kind of urgent.


On 10-Oct-2009, at 12:20 PM, Kaushik Chakraborty wrote:


Its a content management application. I created some folders / files and then deleted some files, all from the application and not from the backend. It behaves properly most of the time but sometimes it throws below exception.

[StandardWrapperValve.java:257:ERROR] Servlet.service() for servlet WebslingerServlet threw exception
at org.webslinger.commons.vfs.handlers.cow.COWStateXmlStorageHandler $1.findIfExists(COWStateXmlStorageHandler.java:19) at org.webslinger.commons.vfs.handlers.cow.COWStateXmlStorageHandler $1.findIfExists(COWStateXmlStorageHandler.java:16) at org.webslinger.lang.ConcurrentCache.findIfExists (ConcurrentCache.java:39) at org.webslinger.lang.AbstractCache$ConcurrentDelegate.get (AbstractCache.java:125) at org.webslinger.lang.AbstractCache.get(AbstractCache.java: 287) at org.webslinger.lang.ConcurrentCache.get (ConcurrentCache.java:29) at org.webslinger.commons.vfs.handlers.cow.COWStateXmlStorageHandler.removeDeletedChildren (COWStateXmlStorageHandler.j
at org.webslinger.commons.vfs.virtual.VirtualFileSystem $VirtualResolution.getChildNames(VirtualFileSystem.java:542) at org.webslinger.commons.vfs.GenerationalFileObject.doListChildren (GenerationalFileObject.java:51) at org.webslinger.commons.vfs.AbstractGenerifiedFileObject.resolveChildren (AbstractGenerifiedFileObject.java:69) at org.webslinger.commons.vfs.AbstractGenerifiedFileObject.getChildren (AbstractGenerifiedFileObject.java:54) at org.webslinger.commons.vfs.GenerationalFileObject.getChildren (GenerationalFileObject.java:46) at org.webslinger.commons.vfs.flat.FlatFileObject.doListChildren (FlatFileObject.java:103) at org.webslinger.commons.vfs.AbstractGenerifiedFileObject.resolveChildren (AbstractGenerifiedFileObject.java:69) at org.webslinger.commons.vfs.AbstractGenerifiedFileObject.getChildren (AbstractGenerifiedFileObject.java:54) at org.webslinger.commons.vfs.virtual.VirtualFileSystem $VirtualResolution.getChildNames(VirtualFileSystem.java:526) at org.webslinger.commons.vfs.GenerationalFileObject.doListChildren (GenerationalFileObject.java:51)

I could see that the folder where files have been deleted contain a .cowstate.xml which has following entry for each file deleted from the application

        <item deleted="true" name="<file name>"/>

I saw the code of the COWStateXmlStorageHandler constructor where a new ConcurrentCache object has been created which contains the method findIfExists(). Now from the method's name, I am assuming that it is searching for the file ".cowstate.xml" using getFile() method. But as I cannot debug it I am clueless that why the returned File object is null and hence file.exists() is throwing the above NullPointerException. Is it a OS issue that getFile() is failing? The constructor code of COWStateXmlStorageHandler is here

public COWStateXmlStorageHandler() {
states = new ConcurrentCache<FileName, COWStateXml> (COWStateXmlStorageHandler.class, "states", null, ConcurrentCache.SOFT) { protected COWStateXml findIfExists(FileName key) throws Exception {
                FileObject file = getFile(key);
                return file.exists() ? new COWStateXml(file) : null;

protected COWStateXml createValue(FileName key) throws Exception {
                return new COWStateXml(getFile(key));

Please help as these errors are now coming frequently and is causing much trouble.


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