There are lots of ways to detect browsers using javascript or conditional statements, but IMHO your plan seems to me to be a very bad approach, especially on an ecommerce site. You are essentially turning away the largest customer base at the door (like it or not, IE7 still has the largest browser market share). Not many users are going to download and install a new browser if they don't have it already just to buy a shirt, or a pair of shoes, etc. when there are a thousand other sites selling exactly the same thing that do support IE7.

You are much better off creating an IE7 specific stylesheet and using a conditional statement to attach it to the page only when the user is using IE7:

Or a quick and dirty method if you want to use only one stylesheet is to use javascript to detect the browser and OS and create browser specific styling in your main stylesheet. This method allows you to do this without hacks, so your CSS will still validate against standards:

Ryan Foster
HotWax Media

On Oct 19, 2009, at 11:37 PM, aswath narayana wrote:

Any ideas on this...
My ecommerce pages are very bad in IE7. Hence, I don't want to support
Where are the hooks to provide this kind of check?

Thanks a lot.

On Mon, Oct 19, 2009 at 12:08 PM, aswath narayana <> wrote:

I don't want to support IE7, so I want to display a message to the user
'use IE8, firefox etc.'

How can this be done


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