Hi Adam,

Hopefully this should habe been fixed by the new DBCP version


From: "Adam Heath" <doo...@brainfood.com>
I just had an OutOfMemoryError on one of our deployments.  I then ran
jmap, to do a heap dump, and looked at the resulting java.hprof binary
file using IBM's HeapAnalyzer(1), and jhat.

What I found, was a WeakHashMap inside dbcp, that contained 346000
WeakHashMap$Entry objects, taking up 125M of memory, out of 193M total
heap.  These Entry objects contain Transaction instances, not Connections.

Has anyone ran into something similiar?  This is against ofbiz version

ps: I'm currently running the ofbiz test cases in this ofbiz version on
an 8-way machine, with 8G of ram, underneath hprof, trying to track this

1: http://www.alphaworks.ibm.com/tech/heapanalyzer

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