Scott Gray wrote:
Hi Bilgin,

Sounds interesting I'll be sure to take a look within the next few days.

As coincidences would have it I've also been working on a POC for ajax autocompletion which takes a different approach. I'm not done yet but should hopefully have something this weekend.
The form definition would look like this:
<field name="country>
<autocompleter result-field="countries" result-value-name="geoId" result-description-name="geoName">
      <set field="geoName" value="${}%"/>
      <entity-condition entity-name="Geo" list="countries">
<condition-expr field-name="geoName" operator="like" from-field="geoName" ignore-case="true"/>
          <condition-expr field-name="geoTypeId" value="COUNTRY"/>
        <order-by field-name="geoName"/>

The field-event is then stored in the session and accessed via a generic request which runs the actions and returns a json result. The field-event tag allows the same elements as the actions and row-actions element so you can call scripts or services or whatever so long as at the end of it the field specified by result-field contains a list of maps.


HotWax Media

On 18/11/2009, at 3:17 AM, Bilgin Ibryam wrote:
Hi Scott,

I like very much your idea about storing part of the widget logic in session and accessing through ajax. I can't wait to see some code. I think your idea would open a new area to extend the widgets to. Making the more widgets dynamic at run time, would be a great benefit for the project.

BTW, the proposal I did, uses only exiting ajax capabilities of the widgets and server side.


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