Quick update, I've since learnt that we've already had the trunk and 9.04 branch running on buildbot at the ASF for a few months now. I've created an infra ticket (https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/INFRA-2345 ) requesting that build notifications be sent to the dev list and also that the run-install and run-tests targets be added to the buildbot configuration (for the trunk only).


On 20/11/2009, at 9:06 AM, Scott Gray wrote:

Thanks for the pointer Christian, I figured the ASF would have something for us and they haven't disappointed :-)

I'll keep playing around the different CI services locally for a little bit so I can learn how they work a bit better and also find the one that will be the most useful to us.


On 20/11/2009, at 1:08 AM, Christian Geisert wrote:

Scott Gray schrieb:
It took a while but all our JUnit tests now pass, next I'd like to get a continuous integration server set up. Can anybody recommend some tools

Why not just use what is available at the ASF ;-)


I use Hudson and like it, but I haven't tried the others...

Once that is done I'd like to have it run the tests after every commit and report any failures to the dev list. It would then be the offending committer's responsibility (well primarily at least) to fix the problem as soon as possible, much like a build failure. If we can't get everyone to agree to take on that responsibility then I might as well stop now because I'll be damned if I'm going to spend any more time fixing tests that I didn't break :-)


All of this should help us increase the stability of the trunk and our confidence when taking a checkout that we won't half to spend our development time fixing things that used to work. It'll hopefully also encourage the community to contribute more tests with the knowledge that doing so will increase the stability of the functionality they depend on. Fix a bug and you're good for a day, write a test and you're good a lifetime :-)

Absolutly agreed, big thanks for your (and all the others) work in this area!


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