
The latest update to the seleniumXml code was added to JIRA Sept. 23, 2009

Hans Bakker committed it to the trunk in revision 819863 (Sept. 29).

The duplicate libraries are probably a hold over from when the code was
hosted on sourceforge as an independent project.  We should remove the
duplicate libraries and update the appropriate build files.

You could raise a JIRA ticket and Hans can probably remove the duplicate

Any improvements to the seleniumXml framework are encouraged.  I think what
we need now are more example test cases for existing OFBiz applications.
 Many of the utilities in the framework were created because of a specific
testing need and I'm sure there are a lot more to add.

Let me know how I can help.



On Tue, Dec 1, 2009 at 10:36 AM, Erwan de FERRIERES <> wrote:

> Hi all,
> while looking a bit deeper to the testtools component, I found that there
> was a library duplicated and another one which is not used, and both of them
> are not declared in the .classpath file.
> json-lib-2.2.3-jdk15.jar is already present in webapp/lib
> httpmime-4.0-beta1.jar os not called anywhere
> What are the steps to follow ?
> Brett,
> we (some colleagues and myself) would like to improve the seleniumXML
> component. Have you made some code updates since last august ?
> Have you advices to give us ?
> Cheers,
> --
> Erwan

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