Le 20/12/2009 10:41, bus...@apache.org a écrit :
Author: buscob
Date: Sun Dec 20 09:41:03 2009
New Revision: 892579

URL: http://svn.apache.org/viewvc?rev=892579&view=rev
Added the geoChart common screen. (OFBIZ-3348)
This can be used to show a set of geo points on a Google map.
The screen takes as input a geoChart map containing:
     * dataSourceId ->  select the map system to be used (google, yahoo etc.)
     * width ->  map dimensions
     * height ->  map dimensions
     * center ->  the center point of the map
     * points ->  the points array to be showed on the map

Hi Bruno,

why did you created a new geolocation.ftl file, and didn't used the one in common/webcommon/WEB-INF/ for your new geoChart screen ?

Also, when using the bizness time theme, the maps in example are located on the button bar, which makes it impossible to select the 4th map. With the other themes, it's ok. Could you take a look please, I didn't find the problem easily...



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