Bruno Busco wrote:
> One thing we need in the framework is the possibility to create a
> userLogin with an associated email address and have the possibility to
> have the password emailed if forgotten.
> This is actually done in
>     public static String emailPassword(HttpServletRequest request,
> HttpServletResponse response) {
> that is located in in securityext.
> To get the email address, emailPassword(...) checks if the userLoginId
> exists, then find the related party, then find a related ContactMech
> with PRIMARY_MAIL purpose.
> To get the email body and other details, emailPassword(...) starts
> from a ProductStore and gets the related ProductStoreEmailSetting.

Why not move ContactMech(and children, but not PartyContactMech*) to
framework, then have a join table between UserLogin and ContactMech?

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