Le 25/01/2010 18:11, Brett Palmer a écrit :

That sounds great.  When you say it works "but only on a trigger" do you
mean you have to make an explicit call like "getScreenShot()"?
You have to add this command in your seleniumXml script :
And then it took a screenshot which is saved in runtime.
If you look at the CommEventCreateOpportunity_testsuite.xml, you will see the command.

The problem is I don't know how to handle seleniumXml errors, and then trigger a screenshot...

It would be a nice feature to get a screen shot on an error as this could be
part of an automated build.  This also brings up the whole logging mechanism
in SeleniumXml.  Since it runs outside of the container it doesn't have
access to the logging features of ofbiz.  This would have to be setup



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