Fellow committer - this is setting the bar too low IMO - we all make errors, 
but just assuming they'll happen and leaving the rest of the community to clean 
it up - that's another story.  

And this number is not a particularly relevant number standing all alone by 
itself.  Having to make so many commits because you make so many errors doesn't 
make it necessarily better for the community.  The guy who gets lots of 
rebounds in basketball shouldn't spend most of his time getting his own 
rebounds on his own misses is all that I'm saying :)  

Hopefully you can laugh with me a bit - said tongue in cheek, smiling, and 
meant to lighten the mood around here a bit.  Let's just say it was a set up - 
an alley-oop shall we say - that I just couldn't leave sitting there!

All joking aside, two things stick out to me:

1. As a committer you do provide a ton of new functionality - thanks for that
2. I have not seen anything in our fellow committer's notes on the subject to 
imply that they are trying to prove that you make errors - only pointing out 
the ones that are there and what impact they are having on the system.  

So, let's try and back off of them, they're like the most even-keeled person in 
the project and are really trying to help you and the project out by helping to 
make things more consistent.


PS - I don't think anyone's out to get you - only trying to improve the code 
base and predictability of this system we are all basing our careers around ....

On Jan 27, 2010, at 12:15 AM, Committer (JIRA) wrote:

> By the way if you want to prove that i make errors, i can confirm that that i 
> do that.....with lots of commits, lots of errors (last year almost 1000 
> commits)

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