Hi Abdullah,

in rev. 904020  I have commented out that code.



On Jan 28, 2010, at 10:14 AM, Abdullah Shaikh wrote:

> Hi Jacopo,
> I got what you said, you mean it is not able to delete the record from
> QuantityBreak, as its still being referenced from some other records, and
> thus rolls back the transaction to which leads to the Shipping Estimate not
> being deleted.
> But I feel it shouldn't even attempt to delete the record from
> QuantityBreak, because the QuantityBreak record may still being used and
> every time it will attempt to delete and will fail, if we are able to avoid
> the roll back then it should work, but why to delete the QuantityBreak
> record in first place ?
> Also it may happen that currently the QuantityBreak record is not being
> used, in this case all should work fine, but this will also delete the
> QuantityBreak record which it shouldn't as the it may be required later.
> - Abdullah
> On Thu, Jan 28, 2010 at 2:26 PM, Jacopo Cappellato <
> jacopo.cappell...@hotwaxmedia.com> wrote:
>> Hi Abdullah,
>> On Jan 28, 2010, at 9:03 AM, Abdullah Shaikh wrote:
>>> After looking into ShipmentServices.java's removeShipmentEstimate method
>>> which actually deletes the Shipping Estimate, it also try to delete the
>>> related entity records from WeightQuantityBreak, QuantityQuantityBreak &
>>> PriceQuantityBreak.
>>> The Shipping Estimate which I configured for eCommerce was using the
>> Weight
>>> Break Id  "0 - 0 [RentalStore]" which is also being used by Open Travel
>>> system store and that's why it couldn't delete because of foreign key
>>> constraint.
>>> Should the removeShipmentEstimate also delete the related entries from
>>> QuantityBreak tables ?
>> No, in my opinion it shouldn't delete the QuantityBreak records.
>> However the code seems to be written in order to only *attempt* to delete
>> the records:
>>       try {
>>           if (estimate.get("weightBreakId") != null) {
>>               delegator.removeRelated("WeightQuantityBreak", estimate);
>>           }
>>       } catch (GenericEntityException e) {
>>           Debug.logInfo("Not removing WeightQuantityBreak records related
>> to ShipmentCostEstimate [" + shipmentCostEstimateId + "] because they are
>> used by other entities.", module);
>>       }
>>       return ServiceUtil.returnSuccess();
>> but this doesn't seem to work as expected: my guess is that when the error
>> is thrown the transaction is rolled back.
>> The quick solution is to comment the above code but it would be nice to
>> verify if there is a better way to avoid the rollback (I am forwarding this
>> mail to the dev list).
>> Kind regards,
>> Jacopo
>>> - Abdullah
>>> On Thu, Jan 28, 2010 at 1:12 PM, Abdullah Shaikh <
>>> abdullah.shaik...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> I created a Shipping Estimate and then I clicked on Remove button to
>> delete
>>>> the shipping estimate, but I got the below error.
>>>> It looks it is also trying to delete the record from QuantityBreak
>> table,
>>>> which it shouldn't.
>>>> The Following Errors Occurred:
>>>> Error calling event: org.ofbiz.webapp.event.EventHandlerException:
>> Service
>>>> invocation error (Could not commit transaction for service
>>>> [removeShipmentEstimate] call: Roll back error, could not commit
>>>> transaction, was rolled back instead because of: Failure in
>>>> removeByCondition operation for entity [QuantityBreak]:
>>>> org.ofbiz.entity.GenericDataSourceException: Generic Entity Exception
>>>> occured in deleteByCondition (SQL Exception while executing the
>>>> 'RentalStore') (ERROR: update or delete on table "quantity_break"
>> violates
>>>> foreign key constraint "shpmnt_ce_wht_qb" on table
>>>> "shipment_cost_estimate"<br/> Detail: Key
>> (quantity_break_id)=(RentalStore)
>>>> is still referenced from table "shipment_cost_estimate".)). Rolling back
>>>> transaction.org.ofbiz.entity.GenericDataSourceException: Generic Entity
>>>> Exception occured in deleteByCondition (SQL Exception while executing
>> the
>>>> 'RentalStore') (ERROR: update or delete on table "quantity_break"
>> violates
>>>> foreign key constraint "shpmnt_ce_wht_qb" on table
>>>> "shipment_cost_estimate"<br/> Detail: Key
>> (quantity_break_id)=(RentalStore)
>>>> is still referenced from table "shipment_cost_estimate".)) (Generic
>> Entity
>>>> Exception occured in deleteByCondition (SQL Exception while executing
>> the
>>>> 'RentalStore') (ERROR: update or delete on table "quantity_break"
>> violates
>>>> foreign key constraint "shpmnt_ce_wht_qb" on table
>>>> "shipment_cost_estimate"<br/> Detail: Key
>> (quantity_break_id)=(RentalStore)
>>>> is still referenced from table "shipment_cost_estimate".))))
>>>> - Abdullah

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