Adrian Crum wrote:
> --- On Sat, 1/30/10, Adam Heath <> wrote:
>>>> What kind of modifications do you need to do? 
>>>> Auto-vivification kinda
>>>> stuff?
>>> No, basic OFBiz kinda stuff.
>>> <set field="var" value="Hello World!"/>
>>> I need to set the var Map element to "Hello World!"
>> The Map I'm being handed is read-only.
>>> The nexus is FlexibleMapAccessor. Most of the
>> framework uses it, and its purpose is to update a Map or a
>> List. But it gets handed a read-only Map. I just pass the
>> read-only Map on to the UEL stuff, and then convert it when
>> I actually need to change something in it.
>> So that needs to be writable, then the call sites need to
>> be updated.
>> Do multiple(many) java-based services call FMA?  Or
>> are there just a
>> few places that do a mass proxy around the other
>> systems?  I'm
>> thinking that maybe we should make this more explicit,
>> documentation
>> that service implementations can modify their context, but
>> any such
>> changes will not be propagated back to callers.
> I will think about it some more. FMA accepts a read-only Map to get values, 
> and it accepts a writable Map to put values. The problem is in UelUtil - it 
> wants a writable Map in either case. I will try to think of a solution.

Actually, that's a good point, and something I wouldn't want to lose.

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