I'm working on some stuff that will encapsulate the style issues I
have been commenting on.  Then, if the styles are not actually what
others want, we can change the code.  Then, developers can run the
tools against their changes, to see if they pass muster.  This is a
way to automate it; let the computer do what it does best.

Currently, I'm implementing a java diff algorithm; I tried to find one
that is compatible with apache, but everything seems to just want to
reimplement GNU diff; I'm reading *just*
http://c2.com/cgi/wiki?DiffAlgorithm as a base.

Once I have that, I'll then start working on an xslt, one for each xml
schema(possible shared), which will then read the source xml, output
new xml formatted appropriately, then diff to the original, and show
the output.  This will require developers to be able to read diff
output, but that isn't hard.

I'll also be looking for java code formatting tools; anyone have any
suggestions that are apache compatible(has to be free, won't use
commercial things at all(don't get me started on confluence)).

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