Adam Heath wrote:
Woo.  It's going to be a doosy.

Last time I said anything, I said I was working on a diff
implementation in java; started that, it's coming along, but not done
yet.  However, to finish that, I decided to finish a huge code dump
that I had been working on all last week.

I have about 10k lines of new code to check into ofbiz.  This huge bit
of new code is the commons-vfs filesystem code that webslinger uses.
It includes the COW(copy-on-write) implementation.  Test cases on the
main filesystem stuff is above 80%.  The test cases run, I'm just
splitting it up into smaller commits.  But the main commit will still
be over 9500 lines(more when you include license headers).

This new code will not be perfectly layed out in ofbiz fashion; there
will be some possible code duplication with other utility methods in
ofbiz.  I've gone thru and tried to reuse as many utility methods that
already exist, but I haven't made it 100%.  I'll be asking for help to
try and find other style-type issues with the code; keep in mind,
however, that this code is the result of 4.5 years of development, and
has this particular iteration has been in production use for 3 years.

Another thing that might be a bit odd, is I have copied some classes
almost verbatim from commons-vfs itself; this is due to their being
synchronization issues with the original code, or I'm attempting to
update it to more modern programming standards(they only program to
java 1.2 as a base).  As such, those files contain the standard ASL
header, plus an existing author header at the top of each class.

Earliest you'll see this code will be tonight, or perhaps tomorrow,
depending on how much I can split out the additional helper methods.

Unfortunately, nothing in ofbiz will actually be using this code
directly, yet.  That'll have to wait for more stuff from webslinger.

Tonight's the night you're gonna make it happen? Just don't lose control.

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