Adrian Crum wrote:
> Adam Heath wrote:
>> Adrian Crum wrote:
>>> Adrian Crum wrote:
>>>> Adam Heath wrote:
>>>>> ObjectToJSONString, and JSONStringToObject, is fairly straight forward
>>>>> to implement.  However, I still need to do my 'resolve' feature.
>>>>> Possibily an ObjectToJSONResolveString, or some such.
>>>>> And, I could get rid of the UtilIO.readObject stuff, by implementing
>>>>> an ObjectToFlatAttribute system.
>>>> When you were evaluating JSON libraries, did you take a look at
>>>> XStream?
>> Maybe.  Looking at it now, makes me not want to use it for JSON work,
>> as JSON has such limited raw object support.  Plus, serializing the
>> internal state of objects is a bit icky, if the object knows there is
>> a more compact way to represent itself.
>>> I just integrated that library into OFBiz and created List and Map
>>> to/from XMLString converters. It was pretty easy and they are
>>> reflective. The library also supports JSON.
>> You did?  I don't see a commit with any changes.
> I meant on my local copy. I didn't commit it because I don't want to
> interfere with what you're doing.

Don't you worry your pretty little head about that, little
grasshopper, I can deal with it.

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