I've been going over the code for purchase returns to suppliers. To me
it looks like that code must have broken when package route segments
were introduced. The code to convert a return to a shipment only creates
a Shipment and ShipmentItems without creating packages. The result is
that you can't print a shipment manifest because you don't have a chance
to create shipment routes and you never get a chance to create them.
Some of this seems to be due to a bug with Purchase Return shipments not
having the ability to configure routes and packages which looks like it
needs to be enabled.

This sets me to wondering why orders are picked and not shipments. I
understand that the "picklists" screen currently scans for orders that
are ready to pick and then initiates the process of creating shipments
for them. I wonder if that should be its own screen which is only used
for converting orders to shipments and perhaps be part of the order
application. The "picklists" page would then become a list of shipments
which are approved to go out with inventory assigned to them which can
be packed into packages and shipped.

Has anyone else spent much time in this code and have an idea what it
should be doing for purchase returns? Any comment on the larger problem
of managing shipments that are not attached to orders?

Ean Schuessler, CTO
214-720-0700 x 315
Brainfood, Inc.

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