Scott Gray wrote:
> I like it.  Unless there is some opposition to the theme becoming the default 
> then I would say just go for it after waiting a day or two.
> In terms of feedback the following bothers me (but are by no means blockers):
> - The drop down menus are exposed until the page is fully loaded, looks bad 
> on slow loading pages such as the entity and service lists in webtools
> - The default buttontext images are too dark on the lower half, unless I've 
> got my screen quite bright they don't read so well
> - The yellow left and top border on the buttontext images doesn't look so 
> great (just an opinion)
> I haven't used it a huge amount so that's all I've got, but all in all it 
> looks great, nice work Bruno and Erik.

Erik has said that the theme is not completely implemented, but it was
so much better than what was already available, that we decided to
commit it before it was fully finished.

Bruno has been very good at adding additional markup to the generated
html, to allow Erik to style it.  There are still things that need to
be done.

What has helped greatly, is that we have trained Erik to actually use
the ofbiz backend in detail now, so he's been going thru clicking and
trying stuff all on his own.

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