--- On Fri, 2/19/10, Adam Heath <doo...@brainfood.com> wrote:
> What is getOriginal supposed to
> return?  The original string, or one
> that has been fixed up and normalized?

It is supposed to return the original string.

> What is toString supposed to return?  The same as
> getOriginal?

The same as getOriginal. I added that override recently as a convenience for 

> if there was a parse error, a
> missing trailing
> '}', should toString add this missing character?

Wouldn't that be confusing or make it harder to debug bad expressions?

> Basically, what is supposed to happen when parsing a badly
> formatted
> string, ie, "The class for [${a}] is ${a.getClass()".

Throw an exception. In other words, force the programmer to fix it.

> Additionally, ${bsh:} and ${groovy:} weren't returning the
> 'bsh' or
> 'groovy' part in original.


> I don't have coverage on any other helper
> classes in that
> folder, including those that are called by FSE.

I could help out with that. I might skip the UEL functions though - since  
there are so many of them and most of them call java.* classes.


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