On 23/02/2010, at 6:27 PM, Adam Heath wrote:

> For a client, we are allowing end-users to create multiple ship-group
> destinations.  This same client also has several promos, when if one
> product is bought, you get a free gift with the purchase.
> All of the above is straight forward.
> The issue is when you purchase multiple of the original product,
> assign different quantities to each ship group.  The PROMO_GWP action
> does not take ship groups into considering, and always adds them to
> group 0.  It should default to the target shipGroupSeqId of the
> product it matched on.

What do you mean by the "product it matched on"?
I think the user is the only one who can correctly decide which ship group the 
gift should be added to, any guesses we make always have the potential to be 

> Additionally, PROMO_GWP doesn't try to find a matching
> ShoppingCartItem, and just increase it's quantity.
> I'm currently trying to fix this, but I'm sending this email now, to
> see if anyone else has any ideas; is this even supported?

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