Adrian Crum wrote:
> Adam Heath wrote:
>> Jacopo Cappellato wrote:
>>> Hi Adam,
>>> On Feb 25, 2010, at 5:37 PM, Adam Heath wrote:
>>>> Jacopo Cappellato wrote:
>>>>> (moving to the dev list)
>>>>> Hmmm....
>>>>> I am trying to find out more details using jmap and now I am no
>>>>> more thinking that birt is the issue.
>>>>> Adam, is it possible that the Webslinger component is causing this?
>>>>> Running jmap -permstat I get the following stats:
>>>> Not the component, no.  What you see below is a consequence of the
>>>> custom classes that get compiled for every single service engine
>>>> definition, so that you can see what file/line the service is
>>>> defined in.
>>> sorry for the silly question: are you saying that the custom classes
>>> are not compiled by some code in Webslinger? I really don't know
>>> where to look for AsmUtil and GeneratedClassLoader.
>> I never said any such thing.  I'm just saying that we may need more
>> permgen space, as that is where classes are loaded.
> A while back in another thread you balked at the idea of having to
> increase the memory settings to get OFBiz to run. Isn't memory
> consumption a concern? If it is, do you have any insights into any ways
> we could tackle this particular problem in a memory-reducing way? Or are
> you certain the only solution is to change the settings to allow for
> more memory?

I can only reduce the memory usage so much.  As some point, we'll just
have to increase the memory allocation.

I don't have time right now to look into this in detail; I will do so,
just not right now.  Debugging memory utilization is a hard thing to
do, as enabling the correct startup options makes java run *very* much
slower.  Not to mention doing a jmap -dump, then looking at the output
with jhat and ibm heap analyzer is complex.


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