Adam Heath wrote:
Now, if we want to discuss removing these extra changes, then we also
need to take it upon ourselves to fix any uses that required the code
to function in this manner.

I guess the community needs to discuss (and agree upon) a set of rules that Java object type conversion should follow.

That would be a discussion worth having - just like the TimeZone issue David brought up earlier.

Sometimes code just gets thrown into the project without a lot of planning, so it can be helpful to have the community agree on a design. Then we can change the code to follow that design.

I admit I made a couple of code behavior changes while introducing the conversion framework. For the most part I kept things the same - to ensure backward compatibility. But I also changed some things because the original conversions didn't seem to follow any rules - they didn't make sense . In hindsight, I should have started a thread on the subject before changing it.


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