Hello All,

We are planning new functionality in OOTB.

Purpose :  Associate Image with ProductPromo using content driven.

Here is the jira issue link https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/OFBIZ-3533

Following work will be covered:

  1. Add new entity "ProductPromoContent" entity having composite
     primary key:
        1. productPromoId
        2. contentId
        3. productPromoContentTypeId
        4. fromDate
  2. CRUD services for ProductPromoContent Entity.
  3. Create wrapper ProductPromoContentWrapper
  4. Add content tab at catalog -> promo
  5. List and edit form for associating images to specific productPromoId.
  6. Implement service addImageForProductPromo.

Your valuable thoughts and suggestion will be appreciable.

Thanks & Regards,

--Amit Sharma

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