Hi Adam,
Go to catalog >> stores >> select a store say 9000
Go to Shipping we can remove the product store shipping association which
will not expires but delete the record.
Go to Shipping Estimates will give you opportunity to change the estimates.
I think these business process will be able to handle all the scenarios you
are talking about.

Rishi Solanki
Enterprise Software Developer
HotWax Media Pvt. Ltd.

On Tue, Mar 9, 2010 at 5:25 AM, Adam Heath <doo...@brainfood.com> wrote:

> How can I do date-like filtering on ProductStoreShipmentMeth?
> I see no fromDate/thruDate fields in ProductStoreShipmentMeth,
> ShipmentCostEstimate, CarrierShipmentMethod, nor ShipmentMethodType.
> How can I handle the cost estimates changing in the future, how can I
> cycle out old values, while still maintaining any existing database
> references?

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