Scott Gray wrote:
> On 18/03/2010, at 11:48 AM, Adam Heath wrote:
>> Scott Gray wrote:
>>> On 18/03/2010, at 11:04 AM, Adam Heath wrote:
>>>> Scott Gray wrote:
>>>>> On 18/03/2010, at 10:50 AM, Adam Heath wrote:
>>>>>> Jacopo Cappellato wrote:
>>>>>>> Adam,
>>>>>>> this is going to be a long thread and I don't want it to be.
>>>>>>> I already tried to explain why I decided to change the primary key of 
>>>>>>> OrderShipment without following the deprecation mechanism (that I think 
>>>>>>> it is a very good best practice) in this specific situation.
>>>>>>> I perfectly know when and how the shipment plans (i.e. the feature for 
>>>>>>> which the OrderShipment entity was introduced) were implemented: I know 
>>>>>>> because I contributed it (and the OrderShipment entity of course).
>>>>>>> I also know that it was only partially implemented and so I would be 
>>>>>>> very surprised (especially because no one over the years ever asked or 
>>>>>>> reported bugs etc.. about it - apart from me that was aware of its 
>>>>>>> existence) if it is really used in production by someone. This is 
>>>>>>> simply to explain that I was not irresponsible when I did it.
>>>>>>> However you are right if you say that I can't be completely sure if 
>>>>>>> someone somewhere is using the entity. Also, lately the community seems 
>>>>>>> to be more inclined to transform "best practices" (to be applied "cum 
>>>>>>> granu salis") into "policies" to be applied blindly.
>>>>>>> In some way this is good because it requires less skills and creativity 
>>>>>>> (but more pragmatism) and also less skilled persons can become good 
>>>>>>> reviewers just by following written rules.
>>>>>>> This is probably less interesting but maybe necessary given the grow of 
>>>>>>> the community.
>>>>>>> So ok, I am convinced now, we have to deprecate that entity etc.
>>>>>>> What does your book of policies says about this: is it something I 
>>>>>>> *have* to do as a punishment for this bad commit or will you take care 
>>>>>>> of it?
>>>>>> If I implied that it had to be you to do it, I apoligize.  I didn't
>>>>>> mean it to sound that way.
>>>>>> I was trying to discuss with you about the reasons behind this change,
>>>>>> so that we could all agree as to what the reasons and use cases were.
>>>>>> Now that it seems we are on the same page, we can go about fixing this
>>>>>> as a team.  I'll admit, however, that I have never gone thru an entity
>>>>>> deprecation exercise.  And OrderShipment is a very low-level entity,
>>>>>> that has tons of references, so doing this right could be very
>>>>>> complex.  The reason why I was so heated was that I understood this
>>>>>> would be a lot of work, and I was trying to see if there is a better
>>>>>> way than changing the primary key.
>>>>>> The reason the original committer is generally the best one to fix
>>>>>> their original commit, is because that original committer knows the
>>>>>> most about what they were trying to do.  That original person knows
>>>>>> their own code they wrote, and probably has an understand of the rest
>>>>>> of the files that they were modifying.
>>>>>> However, due to the scope of this deprecation, we need the rest of the
>>>>>> community to help out.  Unless we decide to revert this primary key
>>>>>> change, and due this a different way.
>>>>>>> PS: BTW, if no one will implement the deprecation pattern in the next 
>>>>>>> few days I will do that, no problem.
>>>>>> There's no big hurry.  My previously mentioned importer already had
>>>>>> the shipGroupSeqId available(it was hard-coded to 00001, as it's
>>>>>> somewhat simple), so it wasn't a big change for me personally.
>>>>> I'm yet to form an opinion on whether the approach Jacopo took was a 
>>>>> valid one,  I've been looking at the code and I don't yet understand what 
>>>>> problems this change may have caused for downstream users.
>>>>> Adam, would you mind explaining in more detail how the change has 
>>>>> effected you negatively?
>>>> A new field was added to the OrderShipment entity, and that field was
>>>> made a primary key.
>>>> My importer, which started from an empty database, thru an error,
>>>> because this field was not set, and null is not allowed.  As I said,
>>>> the fix for me was simple, as this particular job hasn't gone live
>>>> yet, so I don't have to worry so much about migration.
>>> I would argue that in this case the early failure was a good thing.  If the 
>>> deprecation pattern had been followed it's possible you wouldn't have 
>>> noticed until much later and then would have had to deal with updating your 
>>> importer as well as migrating the data from the old table to the new.
>> You don't understand how deprecation works.
> That is a strong statement but the teacher has spoken, I shall go and face 
> the corner now.
>> The entity is renamed.  So there would still be the failure in my
>> importer, as it tried to update an entity that doesn't exist.
> I assumed your importer was acting on the database directly, my bad.
>> Additionally, if someone upgrading their data does an xml dump, the
>> old data will be dumped with the entity named OrderShipment.  After
>> installing the newer ofbiz, that identiy will also not exist, so the
>> xml import will fail as well, when it can't find the OrderShipment
>> entity(which was renamed to OldOrderShipment).
> Since I don't understand how deprecation works I guess I'm also failing to 
> understand how what you describe would be better than what would happen right 
> now.
> Once again, I'm not against the deprecation pattern, I'm just struggling to 
> see how it would have resulted in something better for the downstream user 
> (but because I don't understand how deprecation works this probably requires 
> more explaining that it would for someone who is more enlightened).

Read this:

the part about deprecated entities.

Before deprecation:

<OrderShipment />, has a table named "order_shipment" in the database.

After deprecation:

<OldOrderShipment tableName="order_shipment"/>
<service name="convertOldOrderShipmentToOrderShip"/>
<!-- all other places that reference/deal with OrderShipment are
changed to deal with OrderShip -->

During upgrade, the new OrderShip entity will have a table created in
the database, called "order_ship".  This table will be empty at this

The existing tables will not be changed at all.  This is because the
OldOrderShipment entity is mapped to the "order_shipment".  Any other
tables that also still exist and reference "order_shipment" in the
database will continue to function correctly.

Actually, I just noticed a problem with the deprecation policy.  Any
existing entities that currently reference OrderShipment, by way of
<relation>, can't have those relations dropped.  Those should be
changed to "OldFooRelation", and the fk-name set appropriately, so
that the referential links in the database will be kept and not destroyed.

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