Ruth Hoffman wrote:
> Hi BJ:
> Thanks. So does this mean that EECAs work as follows?:
> 1) A GenericDelegator object is gotten by the calling program
> 2) The GenericDelegator code looks to see if any EECAs are defined for
> the given Entity using the DelegatorEcaHandler
> 3) If any EECAs are defined for the Entity, those conditions are
> evaluated and any actions are run
> 4) Program control passes back to the GenericDelegator
> 4) The GenericDelegator does whatever it was called to do
> 5) Program control returns to the caller

More complex.

Before database save, after database save, before/after cache put,
before/after key looking, list lookup, etc.  Lots of events are watchable.

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