Hi David:

I would be very interested in hosting sessions similar to last November's ApacheCon in Oakland. I'm prepared to commit to at least (3) 50 minute sessions. If someone wants to organize something out side of ApacheCon, then, depending on the venue, I may be able to commit to participating in that. My session(s) will be end-user focused. In fact, I'm considering submitting a proposal for a session on end-user use of the framework independent of any applications.

I'm not sure what is meant by the rest of this thread, but regardless of the participation from project committers, I plan to submit at least one proposal.


David E Jones wrote:
In the last thread about this it sounded like people were more interested in 
doing a separate conference that would be less expensive to attend.

Either way, I haven't heard anything about anyone pushing for any sort of 
conference. Has anyone else heard anything, or is anyone else interested in 
pushing this along?


On Apr 2, 2010, at 6:56 AM, Erwan de FERRIERES wrote:

Hi all,

so I'm coming back on this subject, but as it is said here
 the conference call is over at the end of the month.

so, are we making an OFBiz symposium ? Or an OFBiz camp ?



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