
Oh, I almost forgot this is a dev list.

在 2010-04-02五的 14:53 -0400,Ruth Hoffman写道:
> Hi Scott:
> Thanks that has been my understanding.
> However, David has made a statement that the ApacheCon organization is a 
> for profit organization. I want to make sure that I'm operating under 
> the correct assumptions when I make my decisions relative to this 
> conference. There is a HUGE difference between an organization taking in 
> more money than expenses and an organization operating as a "for profit" 
> endeavor.
> I'd like to know what David really means by his statement.
> Regards,
> Ruth
> Scott Gray wrote:
> > Apache is non-profit, but the foundation does "profit" from ApacheCons in 
> > the sense that their takings exceed expenses.  This "profit" goes back into 
> > the foundation account to be used for other expenses involved in running 
> > the foundation.
> >
> > Regards
> > Scott
> >
> > HotWax Media
> > http://www.hotwaxmedia.com
> >
> > On 2/04/2010, at 12:32 PM, Ruth Hoffman wrote:
> >
> >   
> >> Hi David:
> >> Where have you seen it documented that ApacheCon is an organization with a 
> >> "for profit" tax status?
> >>
> >> Everything I see says that ApacheCon is the "Official User Conference of 
> >> the Apache Software Foundation". This implies that it is sanctioned by ASF 
> >> and that it is a non-profit organization. Please, if you know for sure 
> >> where it is documented that ApacheCon is a separate, for profit, 
> >> organization, I'd like to know.
> >>
> >> Regards,
> >> Ruth
> >>
> >> David E Jones wrote:
> >>     
> >>> It would be nice if it were that way, but that's just not the case.
> >>>
> >>> ApacheCon is a for profit effort with some of the proceeds going to the 
> >>> foundation (in theory). In other words, the ASF gets money from ApacheCon 
> >>> and does not generally invest any money in ApacheCon. In 2009 I think the 
> >>> foundation did invest some money in marketing (for the anniversary) that 
> >>> also benefitted ApacheCon (since they had a party there for it), but 
> >>> that's the closest thing I'm aware of to what you are describing.
> >>>
> >>> Also consider that the majority of the participants in the OFBiz events 
> >>> have been people who already know about and are already using OFBiz. Even 
> >>> in 2008 with the enormous investments in the conference by OFBiz 
> >>> contributors, much of which was supposed to go into promoting the 
> >>> conference but the PR consulting company messed up that year (which 
> >>> caused them to be replaced), and so even then most of the people 
> >>> attending sessions were presenters at other sessions.
> >>>
> >>> Even in the pre-ApacheCon OFBiz Users Conferences there were far more 
> >>> developers and contributors attending than users, and typically the users 
> >>> were people who happened to live close to the conference and who attended 
> >>> to check out what was going on.
> >>>
> >>> We need something else to attract end-users and better meet their needs.
> >>>
> >>> -David
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> On Apr 2, 2010, at 11:58 AM, Ruth Hoffman wrote:
> >>>
> >>>  
> >>>       
> >>>> Hi Ean:
> >>>> Nice, but I think you might be missing my point.
> >>>>
> >>>> ApacheCon is all about telling the world about OFBiz and using the 
> >>>> immense resources available to the Foundation to do that.
> >>>>
> >>>> IMHO it isn't really about socializing with the small and (getting 
> >>>> smaller by the hour) OFBiz community. ApacheCon is for our end-users. Or 
> >>>> rather, our potential end-users. This should be the place where we 
> >>>> showcase our wares and not "vacation with a purpose".
> >>>>
> >>>> Just my 2 cents.
> >>>> Regards,
> >>>> Ruth
> >>>>
> >>>> Ean Schuessler wrote:
> >>>>    
> >>>>         
> >>>>> I think DebConf is a good example that this can be done and done right. 
> >>>>> I know HP helps out with the expenses of DebConf but part of that is 
> >>>>> helping fly in developers from countries where the currency exchange 
> >>>>> rates make attendance impractically high. We may simply not be able to 
> >>>>> do that or we may come to some agreement about how we would share those 
> >>>>> expenses for speakers with something especially important to contribute.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Given the relatively small size of our community, we have a lot of 
> >>>>> flexibility about where we choose to meet. In my mind, the 
> >>>>> accommodations should be purposefully modest yet interesting and fun. 
> >>>>> There are lots of options like that in all kinds of places. We can 
> >>>>> think of it as a collaboratively planned vacation with a purpose.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> David E Jones wrote:
> >>>>>      
> >>>>>           
> >>>>>> I'm not sure if you meant this or not Ruth, but as it was addressed to 
> >>>>>> me I should clarify: I did speak up here, but I am not taking a role 
> >>>>>> in organizing anything as I did in previous years. In other words, I'm 
> >>>>>> not committing to anything on behalf of the project and I'm not trying 
> >>>>>> to recruit speakers and I'm not volunteering to speak or do training 
> >>>>>> either.
> >>>>>> Quite frankly in the past it has required a lot of time and money and 
> >>>>>> liability with no real benefit. I hope someone profited from those 
> >>>>>> past efforts, perhaps the for-profit organizers and maybe some 
> >>>>>> attendees as well. About that, I don't know. ApacheCon was a mess in 
> >>>>>> '08 because people were paying a lot to attend (both the training and 
> >>>>>> the conference) and yet none of the money (not a penny) went to any of 
> >>>>>> the presenters or trainers. In other words, the presenters and 
> >>>>>> trainers were paying to be there and so were the attendees. This 
> >>>>>> culminated in some fascinating personal attacks from people who 
> >>>>>> attended and who were not satisfied that what they got was worth what 
> >>>>>> they paid for it.
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> Just in case anyone is wondering ApacheCon is not the only one that 
> >>>>>> ended up this way. In another conference I did some pre-conference 
> >>>>>> training and made almost nothing doing it because the conference 
> >>>>>> organizers mixed the funds for the training with the funds for the 
> >>>>>> conference, and so basically I offered training and most of the 
> >>>>>> proceeds went to subsidize the conference. My guess is that this 
> >>>>>> happens a lot with conferences.
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> So, taking that on just so other people can make money? Well, I'd like 
> >>>>>> to say that I learned my lesson and that's why I'm not interested 
> >>>>>> (that would incorrectly make me look experienced and intelligent and 
> >>>>>> somehow remotely good at business dealings), but the fact of the 
> >>>>>> matter is that even if I wanted to I don't have the weeks of time and 
> >>>>>> thousands of dollars to even participate in a bare minimum way. If 
> >>>>>> someone else does, I'm sure many people will benefit from their 
> >>>>>> contributions and they should certainly step up and go for it.
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> Anyway, sorry if any bitterness bled through in this text. I think 
> >>>>>> it's really just human nature that expectations of EVERYONE involved 
> >>>>>> with such things have expectations dramatically inconsistent with 
> >>>>>> reality.
> >>>>>>         
> >>>>>>             
> >>>  
> >>>       
> >
> >   

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