I seem to recall that the issue may be that EMMA is not being actively developed (that isn't to say people don't use it). As you probably know I did some extensions to Adam's work with Cobertura so we could be generating code coverage as part of the build and ultimately publishing those metrics. Adam took the initiative to make this pluggable and I provided targets that would allow users of Ofbiz to download the library if they saw fit. In doing this, I did notice that some of the other Apache products use Clover for these type of metrics (assumption is this is just as prt of their build and not distributed with their product) ...

On Apr 30, 2010, at 10:28 AM, Scott Gray wrote:

I don't suppose anyone has looked at EMMA (http://emma.sourceforge.net/ ) as an alternative to Cobertura? It has a CPL license which means we could include the jar.


HotWax Media

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