Hi Adam,

Beginning at this commit (actually I had to use a dichotomic research between 949599 and 949628, the joy of git bursting when you use svn on your end ;o), I get the error below

2010-06-01 22:11:30,656 (http- [ ServiceDispatcher.java:543:ERROR] Error in Service [executeFind]: Error running Find on the [ProductSearchNoNotInUse] entity: SQL Exception while executing the following:SELECT DISTINCT PR.PRODUCT_ID, PR.PRODUCT_TYPE_ID, PR.PRIMARY_PRODUCT_CATEGORY_ID, PR.PRODUCT_NAME FROM public.PRODUCT PR LEFT OUTER JOIN public.SUPPLIER_PRODUCT SP ON PR.PRODUCT_ID = SP.PRODUCT_ID WHERE AND ((PR.PRODUCT_TYPE_ID <> ? OR PR.PRODUCT_TYPE_ID IS NULL)) ORDER BY PR.PRODUCT_NAME ASC (ERREUR: erreur de syntaxe sur ou prÞs de ½ AND +
 Position: 206)

If I simply revert it, it looks ok. As it begins to be late here, for now I 
have simply reverted it at r950237



Author: doogie
Date: Sun May 30 22:07:55 2010
New Revision: 949617

URL: http://svn.apache.org/viewvc?rev=949617&view=rev
Add new variants of makeConditionWhereString that take a StringBuilder, and 
deprecate the old versions that don't.


URL: http://svn.apache.org/viewvc/ofbiz/trunk/framework/entity/src/org/ofbiz/entity/datasource/GenericDAO.java?rev=949617&r1=949616&r2=949617&view=diff
Sun May 30 22:07:55 2010
@@ -695,11 +695,7 @@ public class GenericDAO {

        // WHERE clause
        List<EntityConditionParam> whereEntityConditionParams = 
- StringBuilder whereString = makeConditionWhereString(modelEntity, whereEntityCondition, viewWhereConditions, whereEntityConditionParams);
-        if (whereString.length() > 0) {
-            sqlBuffer.append(" WHERE ");
-            sqlBuffer.append(whereString.toString());
-        }
+ makeConditionWhereString(sqlBuffer, " WHERE ", modelEntity, whereEntityCondition, viewWhereConditions, whereEntityConditionParams);

        // GROUP BY clause for view-entity
        if (modelViewEntity != null) {
@@ -765,7 +761,12 @@ public class GenericDAO {
return new EntityListIterator(sqlP, modelEntity, selectFields, modelFieldTypeReader, this, whereEntityCondition, havingEntityCondition, findOptions.getDistinct());

+    @Deprecated
protected StringBuilder makeConditionWhereString(ModelEntity modelEntity, EntityCondition whereEntityCondition, List<EntityCondition> viewWhereConditions, List<EntityConditionParam> whereEntityConditionParams) throws GenericEntityException { + return makeConditionWhereString(new StringBuilder(), "", modelEntity, whereEntityCondition, viewWhereConditions, whereEntityConditionParams);
+    }
+ protected StringBuilder makeConditionWhereString(StringBuilder whereString, String prefix, ModelEntity modelEntity, EntityCondition whereEntityCondition, List<EntityCondition> viewWhereConditions, List<EntityConditionParam> whereEntityConditionParams) throws GenericEntityException {
        ModelViewEntity modelViewEntity = null;
        if (modelEntity instanceof ModelViewEntity) {
            modelViewEntity = (ModelViewEntity) modelEntity;
@@ -786,7 +787,10 @@ public class GenericDAO {

        String viewClause = SqlJdbcUtil.makeViewWhereClause(modelEntity, 

-        StringBuilder whereString = new StringBuilder();
+ if (entityCondWhereString.length() > 0 || UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(viewEntityCondWhereString) || viewClause.length() > 0) {
+            whereString.append(prefix);
+        }
        if (entityCondWhereString.length() > 0) {
            boolean addParens = entityCondWhereString.charAt(0) != '(';
            if (addParens) whereString.append("(");
@@ -1040,11 +1044,7 @@ public class GenericDAO {

        // WHERE clause
        List<EntityConditionParam> whereEntityConditionParams = 
- StringBuilder whereString = makeConditionWhereString(modelEntity, whereEntityCondition, viewWhereConditions, whereEntityConditionParams);
-        if (whereString.length() > 0) {
-            sqlBuffer.append(" WHERE ");
-            sqlBuffer.append(whereString.toString());
-        }
+ makeConditionWhereString(sqlBuffer, " WHERE ", modelEntity, whereEntityCondition, viewWhereConditions, whereEntityConditionParams);

        // GROUP BY clause for view-entity
        if (isGroupBy) {

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