On 2/06/2010, at 10:32 AM, Adam Heath wrote:

> Scott Gray wrote:
>> On 2/06/2010, at 9:48 AM, Adam Heath wrote:
>>> doo...@apache.org wrote:
>>>> Author: doogie
>>>> Date: Tue Jun  1 21:47:00 2010
>>>> New Revision: 950261
>>>> URL: http://svn.apache.org/viewvc?rev=950261&view=rev
>>>> Log:
>>>> Refactored LoginServices.
>>>> Modified:
>>>> ofbiz/trunk/framework/common/src/org/ofbiz/common/login/LoginServices.java
>>> Damnit all, thet cut-n-paste didn't happen before I hit enter, so a
>>> bunch of crap got committed that was not ready.  damn it all.
>> Did any commits from your dump make it through?  I don't want have to have 
>> to try and figure out which ones I need to read.
> Just the very first one, 950252.


> I'm going to be changing my workflow to help stop this.  The git svn
> that has commit rights will not maintain any of these big work
> branches.  Instead, I will have a git clone internally, that's not
> connected at all to svn, and I'll do my work there.  This includes any
> kind of rebase stuff.  Then, I'll push those changes back to my own
> git svn repo, and from there up to ofbiz svn.  That'll stop accidental
> commit floods like this.

I regularly create git svn repos using http (fetching HEAD only) so that I can 
take updates but not ever have to worry about accidentally committing anything.

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