Adrian Crum wrote:
> "Public service announcement: Object pooling is now a serious
> performance loss for all but the most heavyweight of objects, and even
> then it is tricky to get right without introducing concurrency
> bottlenecks."

What's cute about this, is that that article is from *before* the
factory stuff was added to conditions.

> -Adrian
> On 6/9/2010 11:19 AM, Adam Heath wrote:
>> Why does EntityCondition create objects from a factory?  This means
>> that any condition that needs to be created will end up storing the
>> object into the global heap, with all the requisite locks and
>> contention that occur from that.  If a new object was just created,
>> however, java1.6 has the ability to allocate it on the stack, when
>> then means freeing said object is much more efficient.
>> I'm suggesting that the global factories for conditions be removed,
>> but the actual factory methods themselves should remain.

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