also you can use a groovy files to marshal the statistics you need to display, and do the calculations and/or created services to calculate the different stats, that you call in a groovy before display.

BJ Freeman
Strategic Power Office with Supplier Automation  
<>  <>

Systems Integrator-- Glad to Assist

Chat  Y! messenger: bjfr33man
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BJ Freeman sent the following on 6/16/2010 12:50 PM:

with benefit types and periods it seem to cover all the requirments.
I use the party from and to when the leave is mandated by union Agreement.
I have added the agreement ID
the agreement can also be part of the employee hiring, so this would be
part of the AddPartyBenefit (humanres/widget/forms/EmploymentForms.xml)
you can have type leave agreed upon, leave earned, leave approved, leave
you can have many records of leave used.
and SECA can keep the totals.

in the records with leaved approved you can partyfrom the approver
to the party with the leave cumming.
Number of leaves can be computed by finding the appropriate type for a

BJ Freeman
Strategic Power Office with Supplier Automation
<> <>

Systems Integrator-- Glad to Assist

Chat Y! messenger: bjfr33man

Swapnil Sawant sent the following on 6/15/2010 10:43 PM:
Hi BJ,

Could you please elaborate a bit more on "using the Party benefits" ?

-----Original Message-----
From: BJ Freeman []
Sent: Friday, June 11, 2010 1:31 PM
Subject: Re: Proposal for adding new functionality in Leave sub tab
under HR module

I would suggest using the Party benifits.
this would allow more flexiblity for enterprises.
take a look at the datamodel and discusssion stating on page 319 vol I
of datamodel book.
the calculation should be a service that can be selected, though you
only need provide the one you are suggesting.

BJ Freeman
Strategic Power Office with Supplier

Systems Integrator-- Glad to Assist

Chat Y! messenger: bjfr33man

Swapnil Sawant sent the following on 6/10/2010 2:13 AM:

I wish to do some enhancement in existing Leave functionality in OFBiz.

Existing functionalities :

- Currently employee can create leave by selecting his approver.

- Approver will approve the leave applied by the employee.

New functionalities are :

- Admin party can credit leave balance to only at the beginning of
financial year to a party's leave account

- When employee creates a leave application, weekends and
organization wide holidays won't be considered as a part of leave

- Whenever employee's leave application is approved, corresponding
no. of leaves will get deducted from his/her account

- Employee will be able to see his/her current leave balance.

So for this :
I have decided to added a new field "noOfLeaves" in EmplLeave Table.
And for crediting the leaves and holidays I have created two new
entityes as shown below.
CreditEmplLeave table keeps track of the current leave balance for an
Holiday will maintain all the holidays in an organization.

<entity entity-name="EmplLeave"


title="Employee Leave Entity">

<field name="partyId" type="id-ne"/>

<field name="leaveTypeId" type="id-ne"/>

<field name="emplLeaveReasonTypeId" type="id-ne"/>

<field name="fromDate" type="date-time"/>

<field name="thruDate" type="date-time"/>

<field name="noOfLeaves" type="fixed-point"/>

<field name="approverPartyId" type="id-ne"/>

<field name="leaveStatus" type="short-varchar"/>

<field name="description" type="description"/>

<prim-key field="partyId"/>

<prim-key field="leaveTypeId"/>

<prim-key field="fromDate"/>

<relation type="one" fk-name="EMPL_LEAVE_PRTY" rel-entity-name="Party">

<key-map field-name="partyId"/>


<relation type="one" fk-name="EMPL_LEAVE_ELETP"

<key-map field-name="leaveTypeId"/>


<relation type="one" fk-name="EMP_LEAV_REAS_ELTP"

<key-map field-name="emplLeaveReasonTypeId"/>


<relation type="one" fk-name="EMPL_LEAVE_APPR" title="Approver"

<key-map field-name="approverPartyId" rel-field-name="partyId"/>



<entity entity-name="CreditEmplLeave"


title="Credit Employee Leave Entity">

<field name="partyId" type="id-ne"/>

<field name="totalLeaves" type="fixed-point"/>

<prim-key field="partyId"/>

<relation type="one" fk-name="CRED_EMPL_LEAVE_PRTY"

<key-map field-name="partyId"/>



<entity entity-name="Holiday"


title="Holiday's in organization">

<field name="holidayId" type="id-ne"/>

<field name="holiday" type="description"/>

<prim-key field="holidayId"/>


Please give your suggestions on this.

Thanks& regards,

Swapnil Sawant

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