Yes, I confirm that this was how it was designed and tested to work some
time ago.

2010/6/24 Adrian Crum <>

> I just looked through the code, and it looks like things aren't set up the
> way they were originally designed. Here is how it was supposed to work (if
> that plan has changed, that's fine - we just need to document it):
> screenlet collapsible=true, save-collapsed=false
> ------------------------------------------------
> 1. Page loads, screenlet is collapsed/expanded depending upon the
> initially-collapsed setting.
> 2. When the user changes the screenlet collapsed state, the state is added
> as a URL parameter.
> 3. Each time the page is refreshed, the screenlet collapsed state stays the
> same until the user changes it.
> 4. The user navigates to another page and then returns to this one.
> The process repeats starting at step 1.
> This behavior was intended for the search criteria screenlet in the Find
> screens. The user enters the search criteria, clicks Find, and then
> collapses the search criteria screenlet. The screenlet stays collapsed as
> the user scrolls through the Find results. When the user navigates to
> another screen and then returns to the Find screen later, the search
> criteria screenlet is expanded - so a new search can begin.
> screenlet collapsible=true, save-collapsed=true
> ------------------------------------------------
> 1. Page loads, screenlet is collapsed/expanded depending upon the
> user's preferences. If no user preference is found, the
> initially-collapsed setting is used.
> 2. When the user changes the screenlet collapsed state, the state is saved
> in user preferences.
> 3. The user navigates to another page and then returns to this one.
> The process repeats starting at step 1.
> This behavior was intended to mimic the masthead. When a user isn't logged
> in or visits the site for the first time, the masthead is expanded. If the
> user collapses the masthead, it stays collapsed until the user changes it
> again or logs out.
> -Adrian
> On 6/24/2010 1:09 PM, Adrian Crum wrote:
>> My understanding of that attribute is this: If save-collapsed is set to
>> true, the collapsed state is persisted in user preferences. If it is set
>> to false, the collapsed state reverts when the screen is loaded the
>> first time. The attribute itself should not be persisted in user
>> preferences.
>> -Adrian
>> On 6/24/2010 12:51 PM, Jacques Le Roux wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I found that if you set save-collapsed to true and then to false it
>>> stays in user preferences as true, is that the normal behaviour?
>>> It took me some time to understand that this was not due to my code (I
>>> use it in a pretty complex case with multi hidding/showing dependent
>>> screens ) Should we not change the user pref value in this case? At
>>> least warn in the xsd doc...
>>> Opininons?
>>> Jacques

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