On 6/9/2010 9:35 AM, Adrian Crum wrote:
On 6/9/2010 9:21 AM, Adam Heath wrote:
Adrian Crum wrote:
On 6/9/2010 8:49 AM, Adam Heath wrote:
jaco...@apache.org wrote:
Author: jacopoc
Date: Wed Jun 9 13:20:21 2010
New Revision: 952997

URL: http://svn.apache.org/viewvc?rev=952997&view=rev
Implemented sql date to time converter to avoid errors with Oracle.








Wed Jun 9 13:20:21 2010
@@ -305,7 +305,7 @@ public class DateTimeConverters implemen

public java.sql.Time convert(java.sql.Date obj) throws
ConversionException {
- throw new ConversionException("Conversion from Date to
Time not supported");
+ return new java.sql.Time(obj.getTime());

Huh? java.sql.Date has no time component, only a date. The hours,
minutes, seconds, etc are all set to 0. java.sql.Time has no date,
the day is January 1, 1970. So, doing this, will give you a Time of 0.

What is the real problem? This isn't the correct solution.

It boils down to an incompatibility with Oracle and the conversion

No. The conversion framework is fine. Don't break it, because some
use of it doesn't work.

I agree this commit should be reverted. I'm just saying I have a fix in
mind that I will be committing later.

If Oracle is broken, then it is the entityengine that must have the fix.

java.sql.Date to java.sql.Time is a disallowed conversion. If higher
levels attempt that, then those higher levels should protect against

I'm working on code to take the conversion framework out of the entity
engine - so that will fix this problem and others. I hope to have it
working this weekend.


In the original EE code, field values were simply cast to the Java data
type specified in the fieldtypes*.xml file. The cast was done inside a
long switch block (kind of like how ObjectType.simpleTypeConvert used to
be). The problem with that design was, you couldn't introduce new types
to the EE without modifying that switch block. So I switched that block
of code over to the conversion framework. Now field values are converted
instead of being cast to the target type.

But then problems started to appear due to incompatibilities with
certain JDBC drivers. After thinking about it for a few months, I came
to the conclusion that the change I made was a bad idea. I want to go
back to the original method of casting field values to the target data
type, but still use polymorphism instead of the long switch block.

If a field value needs conversion to another type, it can be done higher
up in the stack.

I think I found out the real reason there is a problem with Oracle. In JDBC there are three date/time SQL types: Date, Time, and Timestamp. Oracle has only two date/time SQL types: DATE and TIMESTAMP. Oracle does not have a TIME SQL type.

The fieldtypeoracle.xml file contains this:

<field-type-def type="date-time" sql-type="TIMESTAMP" sql-type-alias="TIMESTAMP(6)" java-type="java.sql.Timestamp"></field-type-def> <field-type-def type="date" sql-type="DATE" java-type="java.sql.Date"></field-type-def> <field-type-def type="time" sql-type="DATE" java-type="java.sql.Time"></field-type-def>

So, I assume the Oracle JDBC driver is returning a java.sql.Date type for the OFBiz "time" data type.


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