Thanks! That duplication always bothered me.


--- On Thu, 7/1/10, <> wrote:

> From: <>
> Subject: svn commit: r959875 - 
> /ofbiz/trunk/framework/widget/src/org/ofbiz/widget/
> To:
> Date: Thursday, July 1, 2010, 11:38 PM
> Author: lektran
> Date: Fri Jul  2 06:38:52 2010
> New Revision: 959875
> URL:
> Log:
> Added a new class ModelWidgetAction which will serve to
> replace the duplicate classes ModelScreenAction,
> ModelFormAction and ModelMenuAction.  This class is
> virtually a direct copy of ModelScreenAction and its
> subclasses.  I'll work over the weekend to switch the
> existing classes to extend from ModelWidgetAction, remove
> their methods and then deprecate the shells that are left
> behind.
> Added:
> ofbiz/trunk/framework/widget/src/org/ofbiz/widget/   (with
> props)
> Added:
> ofbiz/trunk/framework/widget/src/org/ofbiz/widget/
> URL: 
> ==============================================================================
> ---
> ofbiz/trunk/framework/widget/src/org/ofbiz/widget/
> (added)
> +++
> ofbiz/trunk/framework/widget/src/org/ofbiz/widget/
> Fri Jul  2 06:38:52 2010
> @@ -0,0 +1,700 @@
> +/*******************************************************************************
> + * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under
> one
> + * or more contributor license agreements.  See the
> NOTICE file
> + * distributed with this work for additional information
> + * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses
> this file
> + * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
> + * "License"); you may not use this file except in
> compliance
> + * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the
> License at
> + *
> + *
> + *
> + * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in
> writing,
> + * software distributed under the License is distributed
> on an
> + * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License
> for the
> + * specific language governing permissions and
> limitations
> + * under the License.
> +
> *******************************************************************************/
> +package org.ofbiz.widget;
> +
> +import;
> +import java.text.MessageFormat;
> +import java.util.ArrayList;
> +import java.util.List;
> +import java.util.Locale;
> +import java.util.Map;
> +import java.util.TimeZone;
> +import java.util.regex.PatternSyntaxException;
> +
> +import javax.servlet.ServletContext;
> +import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession;
> +
> +import javolution.util.FastList;
> +import javolution.util.FastMap;
> +
> +import org.w3c.dom.Element;
> +import org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.InvokerHelper;
> +import org.ofbiz.base.util.BshUtil;
> +import org.ofbiz.base.util.Debug;
> +import org.ofbiz.base.util.GeneralException;
> +import org.ofbiz.base.util.GroovyUtil;
> +import org.ofbiz.base.util.ObjectType;
> +import org.ofbiz.base.util.StringUtil;
> +import org.ofbiz.base.util.UtilGenerics;
> +import org.ofbiz.base.util.UtilProperties;
> +import org.ofbiz.base.util.UtilValidate;
> +import org.ofbiz.base.util.UtilXml;
> +import
> org.ofbiz.base.util.collections.FlexibleMapAccessor;
> +import
> org.ofbiz.base.util.collections.ResourceBundleMapWrapper;
> +import org.ofbiz.base.util.string.FlexibleStringExpander;
> +import org.ofbiz.entity.GenericEntityException;
> +import org.ofbiz.entity.GenericValue;
> +import org.ofbiz.entity.finder.ByAndFinder;
> +import org.ofbiz.entity.finder.ByConditionFinder;
> +import org.ofbiz.entity.finder.EntityFinderUtil;
> +import org.ofbiz.entity.finder.PrimaryKeyFinder;
> +import org.ofbiz.minilang.MiniLangException;
> +import org.ofbiz.minilang.SimpleMethod;
> +import org.ofbiz.minilang.method.MethodContext;
> +import org.ofbiz.service.DispatchContext;
> +import org.ofbiz.service.GenericServiceException;
> +import org.ofbiz.service.ModelService;
> +
> +...@suppresswarnings("serial")
> +public abstract class ModelWidgetAction implements
> Serializable {
> +    public static final String module =
> ModelWidgetAction.class.getName();
> +
> +    protected ModelWidget modelWidget;
> +
> +    protected ModelWidgetAction() {}
> +
> +    public ModelWidgetAction(ModelWidget
> modelWidget, Element actionElement) {
> +        this.modelWidget =
> modelWidget;
> +        if (Debug.verboseOn())
> Debug.logVerbose("Reading widget action with name: " +
> actionElement.getNodeName(), module);
> +    }
> +
> +    public abstract void
> runAction(Map<String, Object> context) throws
> GeneralException;
> +
> +    public static List<ModelWidgetAction>
> readSubActions(ModelWidget modelWidget, Element
> parentElement) {
> +        List<ModelWidgetAction>
> actions = FastList.newInstance();
> +
> +        List<? extends Element>
> actionElementList =
> UtilXml.childElementList(parentElement);
> +        for (Element actionElement:
> actionElementList) {
> +            if
> ("set".equals(actionElement.getNodeName())) {
> +               
> actions.add(new SetField(modelWidget, actionElement));
> +            } else if
> ("property-map".equals(actionElement.getNodeName())) {
> +               
> actions.add(new PropertyMap(modelWidget, actionElement));
> +            } else if
> ("property-to-field".equals(actionElement.getNodeName())) {
> +               
> actions.add(new PropertyToField(modelWidget,
> actionElement));
> +            } else if
> ("script".equals(actionElement.getNodeName())) {
> +               
> actions.add(new Script(modelWidget, actionElement));
> +            } else if
> ("service".equals(actionElement.getNodeName())) {
> +               
> actions.add(new Service(modelWidget, actionElement));
> +            } else if
> ("entity-one".equals(actionElement.getNodeName())) {
> +               
> actions.add(new EntityOne(modelWidget, actionElement));
> +            } else if
> ("entity-and".equals(actionElement.getNodeName())) {
> +               
> actions.add(new EntityAnd(modelWidget, actionElement));
> +            } else if
> ("entity-condition".equals(actionElement.getNodeName())) {
> +               
> actions.add(new EntityCondition(modelWidget,
> actionElement));
> +            } else if
> ("get-related-one".equals(actionElement.getNodeName())) {
> +               
> actions.add(new GetRelatedOne(modelWidget, actionElement));
> +            } else if
> ("get-related".equals(actionElement.getNodeName())) {
> +               
> actions.add(new GetRelated(modelWidget, actionElement));
> +            } else {
> +               
> throw new IllegalArgumentException("Action element not
> supported with name: " + actionElement.getNodeName());
> +            }
> +        }
> +
> +        return actions;
> +    }
> +
> +    public static void
> runSubActions(List<ModelWidgetAction> actions,
> Map<String, Object> context) throws GeneralException
> {
> +        if (actions == null) return;
> +
> +        for (ModelWidgetAction action:
> actions) {
> +            if
> (Debug.verboseOn()) Debug.logVerbose("Running widget action
> " + action.getClass().getName(), module);
> +           
> action.runAction(context);
> +        }
> +    }
> +
> +    public static class SetField extends
> ModelWidgetAction {
> +        protected
> FlexibleMapAccessor<Object> field;
> +        protected
> FlexibleMapAccessor<Object> fromField;
> +        protected
> FlexibleStringExpander valueExdr;
> +        protected
> FlexibleStringExpander defaultExdr;
> +        protected
> FlexibleStringExpander globalExdr;
> +        protected String type;
> +        protected String toScope;
> +        protected String fromScope;
> +
> +        public SetField(ModelWidget
> modelWidget, Element setElement) {
> +            super
> (modelWidget, setElement);
> +            this.field =
> FlexibleMapAccessor.getInstance(setElement.getAttribute("field"));
> +            this.fromField =
> FlexibleMapAccessor.getInstance(setElement.getAttribute("from-field"));
> +            this.valueExdr =
> FlexibleStringExpander.getInstance(setElement.getAttribute("value"));
> +            this.defaultExdr
> =
> FlexibleStringExpander.getInstance(setElement.getAttribute("default-value"));
> +            this.globalExdr
> =
> FlexibleStringExpander.getInstance(setElement.getAttribute("global"));
> +            this.type =
> setElement.getAttribute("type");
> +            this.toScope =
> setElement.getAttribute("to-scope");
> +            this.fromScope =
> setElement.getAttribute("from-scope");
> +            if
> (!this.fromField.isEmpty() &&
> !this.valueExdr.isEmpty()) {
> +               
> throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot specify a
> from-field [" + setElement.getAttribute("from-field") + "]
> and a value [" + setElement.getAttribute("value") + "] on
> the set action in a widget");
> +            }
> +        }
> +
> +        @Override
> +        public void
> runAction(Map<String, Object> context) {
> +            String globalStr
> = this.globalExdr.expandString(context);
> +            // default to
> false
> +            boolean global =
> "true".equals(globalStr);
> +
> +            Object newValue
> = null;
> +            if
> (this.fromScope != null &&
> this.fromScope.equals("user")) {
> +                if
> (!this.fromField.isEmpty()) {
> +               
>     HttpSession session = (HttpSession)
> context.get("session");
> +               
>     newValue =
> getInMemoryPersistedFromField(session, context);
> +               
>     if (Debug.verboseOn()) Debug.logVerbose("In
> user getting value for field from [" +
> this.fromField.getOriginalName() + "]: " + newValue,
> module);
> +                }
> else if (!this.valueExdr.isEmpty()) {
> +               
>     newValue = this.valueExdr.expand(context);
> +                }
> +            } else if
> (this.fromScope != null &&
> this.fromScope.equals("application")) {
> +                if
> (!this.fromField.isEmpty()) {
> +               
>     ServletContext servletContext =
> (ServletContext) context.get("application");
> +               
>     newValue =
> getInMemoryPersistedFromField(servletContext, context);
> +               
>     if (Debug.verboseOn()) Debug.logVerbose("In
> application getting value for field from [" +
> this.fromField.getOriginalName() + "]: " + newValue,
> module);
> +                }
> else if (!this.valueExdr.isEmpty()) {
> +               
>     newValue =
> this.valueExdr.expandString(context);
> +                }
> +            } else {
> +                if
> (!this.fromField.isEmpty()) {
> +               
>     newValue = this.fromField.get(context);
> +               
>     if (Debug.verboseOn())
> Debug.logVerbose("Getting value for field from [" +
> this.fromField.getOriginalName() + "]: " + newValue,
> module);
> +                }
> else if (!this.valueExdr.isEmpty()) {
> +               
>     newValue = this.valueExdr.expand(context);
> +                }
> +            }
> +
> +            // If newValue
> is still empty, use the default value
> +            if
> (ObjectType.isEmpty(newValue) &&
> !this.defaultExdr.isEmpty()) {
> +               
> newValue = this.defaultExdr.expand(context);
> +            }
> +
> +            if
> (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(this.type)) {
> +                if
> ("NewMap".equals(this.type)) {
> +               
>     newValue = FastMap.newInstance();
> +                }
> else if ("NewList".equals(this.type)) {
> +               
>     newValue = FastList.newInstance();
> +                }
> else {
> +               
>     try {
> +               
>         newValue =
> ObjectType.simpleTypeConvert(newValue, this.type, null,
> (TimeZone) context.get("timeZone"), (Locale)
> context.get("locale"), true);
> +               
>     } catch (GeneralException e) {
> +               
>         String errMsg = "Could not
> convert field value for the field: [" +
> this.field.getOriginalName() + "] to the [" + this.type + "]
> type for the value [" + newValue + "]: " + e.toString();
> +               
>         Debug.logError(e, errMsg,
> module);
> +               
>         throw new
> IllegalArgumentException(errMsg);
> +               
>     }
> +                }
> +            }
> +
> +            if (this.toScope
> != null && this.toScope.equals("user")) {
> +               
> String originalName = this.field.getOriginalName();
> +               
> List<String> currentWidgetTrail =
> UtilGenerics.toList(context.get("_WIDGETTRAIL_"));
> +               
> String newKey = "";
> +                if
> (currentWidgetTrail != null) {
> +               
>     newKey = StringUtil.join(currentWidgetTrail,
> "|");
> +                }
> +                if
> (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(newKey)) {
> +               
>     newKey += "|";
> +                }
> +               
> newKey += originalName;
> +               
> HttpSession session = (HttpSession)context.get("session");
> +               
> session.setAttribute(newKey, newValue);
> +                if
> (Debug.verboseOn()) Debug.logVerbose("In user setting value
> for field from [" + this.field.getOriginalName() + "]: " +
> newValue, module);
> +            } else if
> (this.toScope != null &&
> this.toScope.equals("application")) {
> +               
> String originalName = this.field.getOriginalName();
> +               
> List<String> currentWidgetTrail =
> UtilGenerics.toList(context.get("_WIDGETTRAIL_"));
> +               
> String newKey = "";
> +                if
> (currentWidgetTrail != null) {
> +               
>     newKey = StringUtil.join(currentWidgetTrail,
> "|");
> +                }
> +                if
> (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(newKey)) {
> +               
>     newKey += "|";
> +                }
> +               
> newKey += originalName;
> +               
> ServletContext servletContext =
> (ServletContext)context.get("application");
> +               
> servletContext.setAttribute(newKey, newValue);
> +                if
> (Debug.verboseOn()) Debug.logVerbose("In application setting
> value for field from [" + this.field.getOriginalName() + "]:
> " + newValue, module);
> +            } else {
> +                //
> only do this if it is not global, if global ONLY put it in
> the global context
> +                if
> (!global) {
> +               
>     if (Debug.verboseOn())
> Debug.logVerbose("Setting field [" +
> this.field.getOriginalName() + "] to value: " + newValue,
> module);
> +               
>     this.field.put(context, newValue);
> +                }
> +            }
> +
> +            if (global) {
> +               
> Map<String, Object> globalCtx =
> UtilGenerics.checkMap(context.get("globalContext"));
> +                if
> (globalCtx != null) {
> +               
>     this.field.put(globalCtx, newValue);
> +                }
> else {
> +               
>     this.field.put(context, newValue);
> +                }
> +            }
> +
> +            // this is a
> hack for backward compatibility with the JPublish page
> object
> +            Map<String,
> Object> page =
> UtilGenerics.checkMap(context.get("page"));
> +            if (page !=
> null) {
> +               
> this.field.put(page, newValue);
> +            }
> +        }
> +
> +        public Object
> getInMemoryPersistedFromField(Object storeAgent,
> Map<String, Object> context) {
> +            Object newValue
> = null;
> +            String
> originalName = this.fromField.getOriginalName();
> +           
> List<String> currentWidgetTrail =
> UtilGenerics.toList(context.get("_WIDGETTRAIL_"));
> +           
> List<String> trailList = new
> ArrayList<String>();
> +            if
> (currentWidgetTrail != null) {
> +               
> trailList.addAll(currentWidgetTrail);
> +            }
> +
> +            for (int
> i=trailList.size(); i >= 0; i--) {
> +               
> List<String> subTrail = trailList.subList(0,i);
> +               
> String newKey = null;
> +                if
> (subTrail.size() > 0)
> +               
>     newKey = StringUtil.join(subTrail, "|") + "|"
> + originalName;
> +               
> else
> +               
>     newKey = originalName;
> +
> +                if
> (storeAgent instanceof ServletContext) {
> +               
>     newValue =
> ((ServletContext)storeAgent).getAttribute(newKey);
> +                }
> else if (storeAgent instanceof HttpSession) {
> +               
>     newValue =
> ((HttpSession)storeAgent).getAttribute(newKey);
> +                }
> +                if
> (newValue != null) {
> +               
>     break;
> +                }
> +            }
> +            return
> newValue;
> +        }
> +    }
> +
> +    public static class PropertyMap extends
> ModelWidgetAction {
> +        protected
> FlexibleStringExpander resourceExdr;
> +        protected
> FlexibleMapAccessor<ResourceBundleMapWrapper>
> mapNameAcsr;
> +        protected
> FlexibleStringExpander globalExdr;
> +
> +        public PropertyMap(ModelWidget
> modelWidget, Element setElement) {
> +            super
> (modelWidget, setElement);
> +           
> this.resourceExdr =
> FlexibleStringExpander.getInstance(setElement.getAttribute("resource"));
> +            this.mapNameAcsr
> =
> FlexibleMapAccessor.getInstance(setElement.getAttribute("map-name"));
> +            this.globalExdr
> =
> FlexibleStringExpander.getInstance(setElement.getAttribute("global"));
> +        }
> +
> +        @Override
> +        public void
> runAction(Map<String, Object> context) {
> +            String globalStr
> = this.globalExdr.expandString(context);
> +            // default to
> false
> +            boolean global =
> "true".equals(globalStr);
> +
> +            Locale locale =
> (Locale) context.get("locale");
> +            String resource
> = this.resourceExdr.expandString(context, locale);
> +
> +           
> ResourceBundleMapWrapper existingPropMap =
> this.mapNameAcsr.get(context);
> +            if
> (existingPropMap == null) {
> +               
> this.mapNameAcsr.put(context,
> UtilProperties.getResourceBundleMap(resource, locale,
> context));
> +            } else {
> +               
> try {
> +               
> existingPropMap.addBottomResourceBundle(resource);
> +                }
> catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
> +               
>     // log the error, but don't let it kill
> everything just for a typo or bad char in an l10n file
> +               
>     Debug.logError(e, "Error adding resource
> bundle [" + resource + "]: " + e.toString(), module);
> +                }
> +            }
> +
> +            if (global) {
> +               
> Map<String, Object> globalCtx =
> UtilGenerics.checkMap(context.get("globalContext"));
> +                if
> (globalCtx != null) {
> +               
>     ResourceBundleMapWrapper globalExistingPropMap
> = this.mapNameAcsr.get(globalCtx);
> +               
>     if (globalExistingPropMap == null) {
> +               
>         this.mapNameAcsr.put(globalCtx,
> UtilProperties.getResourceBundleMap(resource, locale,
> context));
> +               
>     } else {
> +               
>         // is it the same object? if not
> add it in here too...
> +               
>         if (existingPropMap !=
> globalExistingPropMap) {
> +               
>             try {
> +               
> globalExistingPropMap.addBottomResourceBundle(resource);
> +               
>             } catch
> (IllegalArgumentException e) {
> +               
>                 //
> log the error, but don't let it kill everything just for a
> typo or bad char in an l10n file
> +               
> Debug.logError(e, "Error adding resource bundle [" +
> resource + "]: " + e.toString(), module);
> +               
>             }
> +               
>         }
> +               
>     }
> +                }
> +            }
> +        }
> +    }
> +
> +    public static class PropertyToField extends
> ModelWidgetAction {
> +
> +        protected
> FlexibleStringExpander resourceExdr;
> +        protected
> FlexibleStringExpander propertyExdr;
> +        protected
> FlexibleMapAccessor<Object> fieldAcsr;
> +        protected
> FlexibleStringExpander defaultExdr;
> +        protected boolean noLocale;
> +        protected
> FlexibleMapAccessor<List<? extends Object>>
> argListAcsr;
> +        protected
> FlexibleStringExpander globalExdr;
> +
> +        public
> PropertyToField(ModelWidget modelWidget, Element setElement)
> {
> +            super
> (modelWidget, setElement);
> +           
> this.resourceExdr =
> FlexibleStringExpander.getInstance(setElement.getAttribute("resource"));
> +           
> this.propertyExdr =
> FlexibleStringExpander.getInstance(setElement.getAttribute("property"));
> +            this.fieldAcsr =
> FlexibleMapAccessor.getInstance(setElement.getAttribute("field"));
> +            this.defaultExdr
> =
> FlexibleStringExpander.getInstance(setElement.getAttribute("default"));
> +            this.noLocale =
> "true".equals(setElement.getAttribute("no-locale"));
> +            this.argListAcsr
> =
> FlexibleMapAccessor.getInstance(setElement.getAttribute("arg-list-name"));
> +            this.globalExdr
> =
> FlexibleStringExpander.getInstance(setElement.getAttribute("global"));
> +        }
> +
> +        @Override
> +        public void
> runAction(Map<String, Object> context) {
> +            //String
> globalStr = this.globalExdr.expandString(context);
> +            // default to
> false
> +            //boolean global
> = "true".equals(globalStr);
> +
> +            Locale locale =
> (Locale) context.get("locale");
> +            String resource
> = this.resourceExdr.expandString(context, locale);
> +            String property
> = this.propertyExdr.expandString(context, locale);
> +
> +            String value =
> null;
> +            if (noLocale) {
> +               
> value = UtilProperties.getPropertyValue(resource,
> property);
> +            } else {
> +               
> value = UtilProperties.getMessage(resource, property,
> locale);
> +            }
> +            if
> (UtilValidate.isEmpty(value)) {
> +               
> value = this.defaultExdr.expandString(context);
> +            }
> +
> +            // note that
> expanding the value string here will handle defaultValue and
> the string from
> +            //  the
> properties file; if we decide later that we don't want the
> string from the properties
> +            //  file to
> be expanded we should just expand the defaultValue at the
> beginning of this method.
> +            value =
> FlexibleStringExpander.expandString(value, context);
> +
> +            if
> (!argListAcsr.isEmpty()) {
> +               
> List<? extends Object> argList =
> argListAcsr.get(context);
> +                if
> (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(argList)) {
> +               
>     value = MessageFormat.format(value,
> argList.toArray());
> +                }
> +            }
> +           
> fieldAcsr.put(context, value);
> +        }
> +    }
> +
> +    public static class Script extends
> ModelWidgetAction {
> +        protected static final
> Object[] EMPTY_ARGS = {};
> +        protected String location;
> +        protected String method;
> +
> +        public Script(ModelWidget
> modelWidget, Element scriptElement) {
> +            super
> (modelWidget, scriptElement);
> +            String
> scriptLocation = scriptElement.getAttribute("location");
> +            this.location =
> WidgetWorker.getScriptLocation(scriptLocation);
> +            this.method =
> WidgetWorker.getScriptMethodName(scriptLocation);
> +        }
> +
> +        @Override
> +        public void
> runAction(Map<String, Object> context) throws
> GeneralException {
> +            if
> (location.endsWith(".bsh")) {
> +               
> try {
> +               
>     BshUtil.runBshAtLocation(location, context);
> +                }
> catch (GeneralException e) {
> +               
>     throw new GeneralException("Error running BSH
> script at location [" + location + "]", e);
> +                }
> +            } else if
> (location.endsWith(".groovy")) {
> +               
> try {
> +               
>     groovy.lang.Script script =
> InvokerHelper.createScript(GroovyUtil.getScriptClassFromLocation(location),
> GroovyUtil.getBinding(context));
> +               
>     if (UtilValidate.isEmpty(method)) {
> +               
> +               
>     } else {
> +               
>         script.invokeMethod(method,
> +               
>     }
> +                }
> catch (GeneralException e) {
> +               
>     throw new GeneralException("Error running
> Groovy script at location [" + location + "]", e);
> +                }
> +            } else if
> (location.endsWith(".xml")) {
> +               
> Map<String, Object> localContext =
> FastMap.newInstance();
> +               
> localContext.putAll(context);
> +               
> DispatchContext ctx =
> WidgetWorker.getDispatcher(context).getDispatchContext();
> +               
> MethodContext methodContext = new MethodContext(ctx,
> localContext, null);
> +               
> try {
> +               
>     SimpleMethod.runSimpleMethod(location, method,
> methodContext);
> +               
>     context.putAll(methodContext.getResults());
> +                }
> catch (MiniLangException e) {
> +               
>     throw new GeneralException("Error running
> simple method at location [" + location + "]", e);
> +                }
> +            } else {
> +               
> throw new GeneralException("For widget script actions the
> script type is not yet supported for location: [" + location
> + "]");
> +            }
> +        }
> +    }
> +
> +    public static class Service extends
> ModelWidgetAction {
> +        protected
> FlexibleStringExpander serviceNameExdr;
> +        protected
> FlexibleMapAccessor<Map<String, Object>>
> resultMapNameAcsr;
> +        protected
> FlexibleStringExpander autoFieldMapExdr;
> +        protected
> Map<FlexibleMapAccessor<Object>, Object>
> fieldMap;
> +
> +        public Service(ModelWidget
> modelWidget, Element serviceElement) {
> +            super
> (modelWidget, serviceElement);
> +           
> this.serviceNameExdr =
> FlexibleStringExpander.getInstance(serviceElement.getAttribute("service-name"));
> +           
> this.resultMapNameAcsr =
> FlexibleMapAccessor.getInstance(serviceElement.getAttribute("result-map"));
> +            if
> (this.resultMapNameAcsr.isEmpty()) this.resultMapNameAcsr =
> FlexibleMapAccessor.getInstance(serviceElement.getAttribute("result-map-name"));
> +           
> this.autoFieldMapExdr =
> FlexibleStringExpander.getInstance(serviceElement.getAttribute("auto-field-map"));
> +            this.fieldMap =
> EntityFinderUtil.makeFieldMap(serviceElement);
> +        }
> +
> +        @Override
> +        public void
> runAction(Map<String, Object> context) {
> +            String
> serviceNameExpanded =
> this.serviceNameExdr.expandString(context);
> +            if
> (UtilValidate.isEmpty(serviceNameExpanded)) {
> +               
> throw new IllegalArgumentException("Service name was empty,
> expanded from: " + this.serviceNameExdr.getOriginal());
> +            }
> +
> +            String
> autoFieldMapString =
> this.autoFieldMapExdr.expandString(context);
> +
> +            try {
> +               
> Map<String, Object> serviceContext = null;
> +                if
> ("true".equals(autoFieldMapString)) {
> +               
>     DispatchContext dc =
> WidgetWorker.getDispatcher(context).getDispatchContext();
> +               
>     // try a map called "parameters", try it first
> so values from here are overriden by values in the main
> context
> +               
>     Map<String, Object> combinedMap =
> FastMap.newInstance();
> +               
>     Map<String, Object> parametersObj =
> UtilGenerics.toMap(context.get("parameters"));
> +               
>     if (parametersObj != null) {
> +               
> combinedMap.putAll(parametersObj);
> +               
>     }
> +               
>     combinedMap.putAll(context);
> +               
>     serviceContext =
> dc.makeValidContext(serviceNameExpanded,
> ModelService.IN_PARAM, combinedMap);
> +                }
> else if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(autoFieldMapString)
> && !"false".equals(autoFieldMapString)) {
> +               
>     FlexibleMapAccessor<Object> fieldFma =
> FlexibleMapAccessor.getInstance(autoFieldMapString);
> +               
>     Map<String, Object> autoFieldMap =
> UtilGenerics.toMap(fieldFma.get(context));
> +               
>     if (autoFieldMap != null) {
> +               
>         serviceContext =
> WidgetWorker.getDispatcher(context).getDispatchContext().makeValidContext(serviceNameExpanded,
> ModelService.IN_PARAM, autoFieldMap);
> +               
>     }
> +                }
> +                if
> (serviceContext == null) {
> +               
>     serviceContext = FastMap.newInstance();
> +                }
> +
> +                if
> (this.fieldMap != null) {
> +               
> EntityFinderUtil.expandFieldMapToContext(this.fieldMap,
> context, serviceContext);
> +                }
> +
> +               
> Map<String, Object> result =
> WidgetWorker.getDispatcher(context).runSync(serviceNameExpanded,
> serviceContext);
> +
> +                if
> (!this.resultMapNameAcsr.isEmpty()) {
> +               
>     this.resultMapNameAcsr.put(context, result);
> +               
>     String queryString =
> (String)result.get("queryString");
> +               
>     context.put("queryString", queryString);
> +               
>     context.put("queryStringMap",
> result.get("queryStringMap"));
> +               
>     if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(queryString)) {
> +               
>         try {
> +               
>             String
> queryStringEncoded = queryString.replaceAll("&",
> "%26");
> +               
> context.put("queryStringEncoded", queryStringEncoded);
> +               
>         } catch (PatternSyntaxException
> e) {
> +
> +               
>         }
> +               
>     }
> +                }
> else {
> +               
>     context.putAll(result);
> +                }
> +            } catch
> (GenericServiceException e) {
> +               
> String errMsg = "Error calling service with name " +
> serviceNameExpanded + ": " + e.toString();
> +               
> Debug.logError(e, errMsg, module);
> +               
> throw new IllegalArgumentException(errMsg);
> +            }
> +        }
> +
> +        public FlexibleStringExpander
> getServiceNameExdr() {
> +            return
> this.serviceNameExdr;
> +        }
> +    }
> +
> +    public static class EntityOne extends
> ModelWidgetAction {
> +        protected PrimaryKeyFinder
> finder;
> +
> +        public EntityOne(ModelWidget
> modelWidget, Element entityOneElement) {
> +            super
> (modelWidget, entityOneElement);
> +            finder = new
> PrimaryKeyFinder(entityOneElement);
> +        }
> +
> +        @Override
> +        public void
> runAction(Map<String, Object> context) {
> +            try {
> +               
> finder.runFind(context,
> WidgetWorker.getDelegator(context));
> +            } catch
> (GeneralException e) {
> +               
> String errMsg = "Error doing entity query by condition: " +
> e.toString();
> +               
> Debug.logError(e, errMsg, module);
> +               
> throw new IllegalArgumentException(errMsg);
> +            }
> +        }
> +
> +        public PrimaryKeyFinder
> getFinder() {
> +            return
> this.finder;
> +        }
> +    }
> +
> +    public static class EntityAnd extends
> ModelWidgetAction {
> +        protected ByAndFinder finder;
> +
> +        public EntityAnd(ModelWidget
> modelWidget, Element entityAndElement) {
> +            super
> (modelWidget, entityAndElement);
> +            finder = new
> ByAndFinder(entityAndElement);
> +        }
> +
> +        @Override
> +        public void
> runAction(Map<String, Object> context) {
> +            try {
> +               
> finder.runFind(context,
> WidgetWorker.getDelegator(context));
> +            } catch
> (GeneralException e) {
> +               
> String errMsg = "Error doing entity query by condition: " +
> e.toString();
> +               
> Debug.logError(e, errMsg, module);
> +               
> throw new IllegalArgumentException(errMsg);
> +            }
> +        }
> +
> +        public ByAndFinder getFinder()
> {
> +            return
> this.finder;
> +        }
> +    }
> +
> +    public static class EntityCondition extends
> ModelWidgetAction {
> +        ByConditionFinder finder;
> +
> +        public
> EntityCondition(ModelWidget modelWidget, Element
> entityConditionElement) {
> +            super
> (modelWidget, entityConditionElement);
> +            finder = new
> ByConditionFinder(entityConditionElement);
> +        }
> +
> +        @Override
> +        public void
> runAction(Map<String, Object> context) {
> +            try {
> +               
> finder.runFind(context,
> WidgetWorker.getDelegator(context));
> +            } catch
> (GeneralException e) {
> +               
> String errMsg = "Error doing entity query by condition: " +
> e.toString();
> +               
> Debug.logError(e, errMsg, module);
> +               
> throw new IllegalArgumentException(errMsg);
> +            }
> +        }
> +
> +        public ByConditionFinder
> getFinder() {
> +            return
> this.finder;
> +        }
> +    }
> +
> +    public static class GetRelatedOne extends
> ModelWidgetAction {
> +        protected
> FlexibleMapAccessor<Object> valueNameAcsr;
> +        protected
> FlexibleMapAccessor<Object> toValueNameAcsr;
> +        protected String
> relationName;
> +        protected boolean useCache;
> +
> +        public
> GetRelatedOne(ModelWidget modelWidget, Element
> getRelatedOneElement) {
> +            super
> (modelWidget, getRelatedOneElement);
> +           
> this.valueNameAcsr =
> FlexibleMapAccessor.getInstance(getRelatedOneElement.getAttribute("value-field"));
> +            if
> (this.valueNameAcsr.isEmpty()) this.valueNameAcsr =
> FlexibleMapAccessor.getInstance(getRelatedOneElement.getAttribute("value-name"));
> +           
> this.toValueNameAcsr =
> FlexibleMapAccessor.getInstance(getRelatedOneElement.getAttribute("to-value-field"));
> +            if
> (this.toValueNameAcsr.isEmpty()) this.toValueNameAcsr =
> FlexibleMapAccessor.getInstance(getRelatedOneElement.getAttribute("to-value-name"));
> +           
> this.relationName =
> getRelatedOneElement.getAttribute("relation-name");
> +            this.useCache =
> "true".equals(getRelatedOneElement.getAttribute("use-cache"));
> +        }
> +
> +        @Override
> +        public void
> runAction(Map<String, Object> context) {
> +            Object
> valueObject = valueNameAcsr.get(context);
> +            if (valueObject
> == null) {
> +               
> Debug.logVerbose("Value not found with name: " +
> valueNameAcsr + ", not getting related...", module);
> +               
> return;
> +            }
> +            if
> (!(valueObject instanceof GenericValue)) {
> +               
> String errMsg = "Env variable for value-name " +
> valueNameAcsr.toString() + " is not a GenericValue object;
> for the relation-name: " + relationName + "]";
> +               
> Debug.logError(errMsg, module);
> +               
> throw new IllegalArgumentException(errMsg);
> +            }
> +            GenericValue
> value = (GenericValue) valueObject;
> +            try {
> +                if
> (useCache) {
> +               
>     toValueNameAcsr.put(context,
> value.getRelatedOneCache(relationName));
> +                }
> else {
> +               
>     toValueNameAcsr.put(context,
> value.getRelatedOne(relationName));
> +                }
> +            } catch
> (GenericEntityException e) {
> +               
> String errMsg = "Problem getting related one from entity
> with name " + value.getEntityName() + " for the
> relation-name: " + relationName + ": " + e.getMessage();
> +               
> Debug.logError(e, errMsg, module);
> +               
> throw new IllegalArgumentException(errMsg);
> +            }
> +        }
> +
> +        public String
> getRelationName() {
> +            return
> this.relationName;
> +        }
> +    }
> +
> +    public static class GetRelated extends
> ModelWidgetAction {
> +        protected
> FlexibleMapAccessor<Object> valueNameAcsr;
> +        protected
> FlexibleMapAccessor<List<GenericValue>>
> listNameAcsr;
> +        protected
> FlexibleMapAccessor<Map<String, Object>>
> mapAcsr;
> +        protected
> FlexibleMapAccessor<List<String>>
> orderByListAcsr;
> +        protected String
> relationName;
> +        protected boolean useCache;
> +
> +        public GetRelated(ModelWidget
> modelWidget, Element getRelatedElement) {
> +            super
> (modelWidget, getRelatedElement);
> +           
> this.valueNameAcsr =
> FlexibleMapAccessor.getInstance(getRelatedElement.getAttribute("value-field"));
> +            if
> (this.valueNameAcsr.isEmpty()) this.valueNameAcsr =
> FlexibleMapAccessor.getInstance(getRelatedElement.getAttribute("value-name"));
> +           
> this.listNameAcsr =
> FlexibleMapAccessor.getInstance(getRelatedElement.getAttribute("list"));
> +            if
> (this.listNameAcsr.isEmpty()) this.listNameAcsr =
> FlexibleMapAccessor.getInstance(getRelatedElement.getAttribute("list-name"));
> +           
> this.relationName =
> getRelatedElement.getAttribute("relation-name");
> +            this.mapAcsr =
> FlexibleMapAccessor.getInstance(getRelatedElement.getAttribute("map"));
> +            if
> (this.mapAcsr.isEmpty()) this.mapAcsr =
> FlexibleMapAccessor.getInstance(getRelatedElement.getAttribute("map-name"));
> +           
> this.orderByListAcsr =
> FlexibleMapAccessor.getInstance(getRelatedElement.getAttribute("order-by-list"));
> +            if
> (this.orderByListAcsr.isEmpty()) this.orderByListAcsr =
> FlexibleMapAccessor.getInstance(getRelatedElement.getAttribute("order-by-list-name"));
> +            this.useCache =
> "true".equals(getRelatedElement.getAttribute("use-cache"));
> +        }
> +
> +        @Override
> +        public void
> runAction(Map<String, Object> context) {
> +            Object
> valueObject = valueNameAcsr.get(context);
> +            if (valueObject
> == null) {
> +               
> Debug.logVerbose("Value not found with name: " +
> valueNameAcsr + ", not getting related...", module);
> +               
> return;
> +            }
> +            if
> (!(valueObject instanceof GenericValue)) {
> +               
> String errMsg = "Env variable for value-name " +
> valueNameAcsr.toString() + " is not a GenericValue object;
> for the relation-name: " + relationName + "]";
> +               
> Debug.logError(errMsg, module);
> +               
> throw new IllegalArgumentException(errMsg);
> +            }
> +            GenericValue
> value = (GenericValue) valueObject;
> +           
> List<String> orderByNames = null;
> +            if
> (!orderByListAcsr.isEmpty()) {
> +               
> orderByNames = orderByListAcsr.get(context);
> +            }
> +            Map<String,
> Object> constraintMap = null;
> +            if
> (!mapAcsr.isEmpty()) {
> +               
> constraintMap = mapAcsr.get(context);
> +            }
> +            try {
> +                if
> (useCache) {
> +               
>     listNameAcsr.put(context,
> value.getRelatedCache(relationName, constraintMap,
> orderByNames));
> +                }
> else {
> +               
>     listNameAcsr.put(context,
> value.getRelated(relationName, constraintMap,
> orderByNames));
> +                }
> +            } catch
> (GenericEntityException e) {
> +               
> String errMsg = "Problem getting related from entity with
> name " + value.getEntityName() + " for the relation-name: "
> + relationName + ": " + e.getMessage();
> +               
> Debug.logError(e, errMsg, module);
> +               
> throw new IllegalArgumentException(errMsg);
> +            }
> +        }
> +
> +        public String
> getRelationName() {
> +            return
> this.relationName;
> +        }
> +    }
> +}
> Propchange:
> ofbiz/trunk/framework/widget/src/org/ofbiz/widget/
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>     svn:eol-style = native
> Propchange:
> ofbiz/trunk/framework/widget/src/org/ofbiz/widget/
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>     svn:keywords = "Date Rev Author URL Id"
> Propchange:
> ofbiz/trunk/framework/widget/src/org/ofbiz/widget/
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>     svn:mime-type = text/plain

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