Robert Morley wrote:
> We have made a number of changes to the JobScheduler to properly work
> with multi-tenancy.  In this spot we created a list of the databases
> that were down and when polling for jobs we would exclude these jobs. 
> We then had a separate polling period (default 5 minutes) that would
> check the offline databases to see if they have gone back online.
> This might not match what you are trying to do exactly because we have a
> technique of storing all persisted jobs in our "main" database which has
> a "delegatorName" column (which represents the tenant).  Jobs that are
> destined to run for all tenants would be "exploded" into a job per
> tenant (targeted for it).  This allows a "sendEmail" job (for example)
> to execute on all tenant databases that are online, and safely skip
> non-online tenants until they go back online.  This also creates a
> singleton jobManager so you do not have one running for each tenant ...

Please comment on the issue.  I'll then add my own comments there.

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