Yes, same on demo, the file itself seens to not be the reason, Groovy version?


Bruno Busco wrote:
The Artifact Info seems not working in the trunk.
When https://localhost:8443/webtools/control/ArtifactInfo is accessed the
following error is shown:

org.ofbiz.widget.screen.ScreenRenderException: Error rendering screen
org.ofbiz.base.util.GeneralException: Error running Groovy script at
(org.codehaus.groovy.control.MultipleCompilationErrorsException: startup
script12836745225371507847535.groovy: 1: Expression list of the form (a; b;
c) is not supported in this context. at line: 1 column: 272. File:
script12836745225371507847535.groovy @ line 1, column 272.
ll)return (UtilPrope

1 error
(startup failed:
script12836745225371507847535.groovy: 1: Expression list of the form (a; b;
c) is not supported in this context. at line: 1 column: 272. File:
script12836745225371507847535.groovy @ line 1, column 272.
ll)return (UtilPrope

1 error
)) (Error running Groovy script at location
(org.codehaus.groovy.control.MultipleCompilationErrorsException: startup
script12836745225371507847535.groovy: 1: Expression list of the form (a; b;
c) is not supported in this context. at line: 1 column: 272. File:
script12836745225371507847535.groovy @ line 1, column 272.
ll)return (UtilPrope

1 error
(startup failed:
script12836745225371507847535.groovy: 1: Expression list of the form (a; b;
c) is not supported in this context. at line: 1 column: 272. File:
script12836745225371507847535.groovy @ line 1, column 272.
ll)return (UtilPrope

1 error

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