Yes I use it. thanks for your effort.
Let me explain further that when I say 50 apps I am not talking about installations but different applications, Like Real estate(5), Education(4), Film Industry(6), Restaurants(and bars) (6)
the numbers in parentheses are the vertical apps in the class of app.

So my focus is reducing man hours and of course overhead of maintenance.

Jacques Le Roux sent the following on 9/22/2010 3:44 PM:
From: "Adam Heath" <>
On 09/22/2010 03:33 PM, BJ Freeman wrote:
Am it to gather by this that you can do a direct SVN update and all your
customization continue to work?
say from 9.04 to 10.04

Ofbiz has never supported upgrades. I agree with BJ here.

Database tables can change. Not all changes are automatic. Such
changes are not listed in a simple place(in the source).

Values in tables can change. No upgrade conversions are
provided(again, in a simple place).

Is this useless?


To solve this, requires running older ofbiz on older database, doing a
test upgrade to each and every new version, and then seeing what is
different. This is a *very* hard problem, not easy to automate, and
takes smart people lots of time. This is not something you can just
force on the community. No one has sat down to do this very busy, hard
work, so it hasn't yet been done.

If you run trunk, then it is up to you to solve any per-version
upgrade problems.

However, official releases should really have appropriate, detailed,
upgrade instructions.

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