On 10/11/2010 06:26 PM, Scott Gray wrote:
On 12/10/2010, at 11:45 AM, Adam Heath wrote:

On 10/11/2010 04:25 PM, Scott Gray wrote:
On 12/10/2010, at 10:03 AM, Adam Heath wrote:

On 10/11/2010 02:37 PM, Jacques Le Roux wrote:
Impressive, now I know what Webslinger is and what it is capable of!

Actually, this is just one application.  Webslinger(-core) is an enabling 
technology, that enables anything to be written quickly.  As I said, I've only 
spent probably 2 actual weeks on the application itself.

The main question in my mind is what does all this mean for OFBiz?  Obviously 
because webslinger is currently in the framework you envisage it playing some 
sort of role in the ERP applications, but what exactly?

It means that webslinger could run all of cwiki.apache.org, being fully java 
dynamic.  The front page is currently giving me 250req/s with single 
concurrency, and 750req/s with a concurrency of 5.  And, ofbiz would be running 
along side, so that we could do other things as well.

That wasn't what I was asking but since you mention it, what does
> that actually mean for us?  Part of reason we moved to the ASF was
> so that we could rely on their infrastructure instead of maintaining
> our own.  Assuming we replaced confluence with webslinger then what
> do we do if you disappear from the scene in a year's time?  The idea
> of learning a new obscure tool doesn't sound very appealing.

Who said that this was going to stay a brainfood-only project? We have every intention of making webslinger(-core) a public, community project. There isn't anything really like this.

* Nested servlet container(minor point).
* Filesystem overlay(think unionfs).
* Many servlet-like configuration points can be configured dynamically at runtime thru the filesystem.

Again, since all this stuff is in the filesystem, git/svn work on all aspects. Merging between previous, development, workstation, and production is quite simple to do.

Because of the overlay capability, it's also easy to upgrade a base code module, with a light-weight file layout, and have the content site transparently sit on top, with a unified view of everything.

I think I understand better now why Ean and yourself were somewhat
negative towards the possibility of a jackrabbit integration, do
you see this as some sort of alternative?

Storing content in the database is wrong.  How do you use normal 
editors(vim/emacs/dreamweaver/eclipse/photoshop) to manipulate files?  How do 
you run find/grep?  What revision control do you use(git/svn/whatever)?  The 
webslinger mantra is to reuse existing toolsets as much as possible.  That 
means using the filesystem, which then gives you nfs/samba access for sharing, 

The filesystem api we use is commons-vfs; we don't actually use commons-vfs 
itself, most of the implementation and filesystems have been rewritten to 
actually be non-blocking and performant and not have thread leaks or memory 
leaks or dead-locks.  We don't use bsf(too much reflection, too much 

Alternative, got it.

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