It seems like I regularly have to find ways to deal with geo (specifically 
countries) naming inconsistencies and I'm wondering if we could find a solution 
for it in OFBiz. 

3rd party shipping gateways are a good example of this where they sometimes 
expect you to send a country name in place of a standardized geoCode, all seems 
fine until you realize that they accept no variations from what they have 
decided should be the standard name and those names don't match what OFBiz 
uses.  In my current situation we have to import address that come with free 
form country name and attempt to map them to the countries in OFBiz.

My only thought at this stage is to add an entity such as GeoAlias (pk = geoId, 
geoAliasTypeEnumId) which would form a many to one relationship with Geo and 
contain a geoName field for storing the alias.  The geoAliasTypeEnumId would 
serve to specify the purpose of the alias (e.g. importing or for designating a 
specific alias for outbound data).

- geoId (pk)
- geoAliasTypeEnumId (pk)
- geoName

Thoughts?  Other ideas?


HotWax Media

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