Okay, I got the XML parsing errors fixed. It required new schemas.

If we want to add this feature to the project, we will need two versions of 
some schemas (all screen widget xsd files, simple-methods.xsd and 
site-conf.xsd). The new versions could include a version number in the file 
name, like widget-screen-v2.xsd as an example.

Adding the version number to the xsd file name also solves another problem - 
currently all versions of OFBiz are referencing a single xsd file version. In 
the future, as xsd files are changed, they could be given a new version number 
and the dependent XML files would be updated to reference them. Or we could 
have the version number in the url and put the new schemas in the new url.

David suggested using schema includes to share schemas (like for widget 
actions). This change could be a first step in that direction - because the new 
schemas will have their own namespace.

I have updated the Jira issue with a new patch so everyone can take a look:


Comments and suggestions are welcome!


--- On Sun, 1/2/11, Adrian Crum <adrian.c...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> --- On Sat, 1/1/11, David E Jones
> <d...@me.com>
> wrote:
> > In Moqui I went a different direction
> > and there is no controller.xml file, everything there
> is in
> > the screen definition.
> We could do that in OFBiz too. Since the controller.xml
> file supports the <include> element, it would be a
> simple matter to add a <controller> element to the
> compound screen widget file, and then use the controller's
> <include> element to include the compound screen
> widget file.
> The more I think about it, the more I like the idea.


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