I did not receive any messages from Nagios because Nagios was faulty. Gavin 
just fixed it.
But once more: please when you change something there and it does not work 
don't let it like that!


Jacques Le Roux wrote:

This morning no demos was working. I got any messages from Nagios, but saw that 
message in trunk log
XmlFileLoader: File 
file:/home/ofbiz/trunk/framework/base/config/ofbiz-containers.xml process fatal 
error. Line: 270. Error
message: The string "--" is not permitted within comments.

I thought it could be due to my recent changes commenting out Beanshell and 
Groovy containers by default and began to try to
understand. But finally a svn st shows me that ofbiz and limited containers 
files have been changed

So please when you add a line like this on demo server
+<!--   <property name="address" value=""/>  Not even sure this will 
work? -->
be sure that it does not break the demo and *exchange* about such changes 
Especially if you see that you have broke something
(which is obvious if you try an HTML access..)

Was this done by us or infra?


PS: not sure why but the stable demo was also down

  • demos down Jacques Le Roux
    • Re: demos down Jacques Le Roux

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