One thing I would like to see is to use the OSGi runtime for framework. This will help modularising efforts. For example entity engine, service engine, security etc. will be OSGi bundles running on top of OSGi framework such Apache Karaf. Apache ServiceMix is already using Karaf ( I did a prototype and embedded the OFBiz in OSGi runtime ( and it worked well.



On Thursday 27 January 2011 03:01 PM, Pierre Smits wrote:
Hi All,

This thread is about where you want the community to go with the underlying
core components of OFBiz (aka the Framework).

The framework is the enables of all applications and business processes and
users of the product. It is about security, and about a future proof and
reliable platform for developing applications on.

What do feel is important? What should be removed from the framework. what
should be included? What can be enhanced? And what not?

Please let all of us know what you think is important regarding the
framework so that we (the community) can take stock and draw up a plan for
comming releases.



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