I have not looked into details, this has been committed by Adam 
Could you please enlighten us Adam?



René Scheibe wrote:
Some time ago the Ant "if" task implementation was replaced by another
one using a Javascript version.

I was wondering why this is named If-ant.py and not If-ant.js?

The scriptdef of this "if" task in macros.xml could also be cleaned.

<scriptdef name="if" language="javascript"
classpathref="rhino.class.path" loaderref="rhino.class.path.loader"
 <element name="condition"
 <element name="commands"
 <element name="else"

The referenced loaderref "rhino.class.path.loader" is defined nowhere.
The referenced "rhino.class.path" references a Rhino jar file
("${ofbiz.home.dir}/extension/rhino/lib/js-1.7.R1.jar") which is not
existing. There is no "extension" folder at all in trunk.
If the classpathref and loaderref is removed, the "if" task is still
working as they are optional. So it looks like a Javascript engine is
included somewhere else.
If also have found framework/base/ant-scripts/if-script.groovy and it
looks like this is not used either.

I would anyway suggest to use ant-contrib which also includes an "if" task.
See: http://ant-contrib.sourceforge.net/tasks/tasks/if.html

René Scheibe

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