Setting up transactions properly can be complicated. I've seen cases where it was done wrong. Even when it's done right, it adds a lot of client code that gets repeated every time a transaction is used. I have an idea to make transaction handling easier and more reliable:

1. Create an interface:

public interface TransactionTask {
  void run() throws GenericEntityException;

2. Add a method to

public static void runTransactionTask(TransactionTask task, boolean suspendCurrent) throws GenericEntityException, GenericTransactionException {

The TransactionUtil.runTransactionTask method will contain all of the correct begin, suspend, commit, resume, rollback, try, catch, finally logic. All the client code needs to do is put the transaction-protected code in a TransactionTask instance run() method and call the TransactionUtil.runTransactionTask method. Bottom line - less code, better results.


TransactionTask task = new TransactionTask() {
    public void run() throws GenericEntityException {
        GenericValue target = delegator...;
        target.set("someField", "someValue");;
TransactionUtil.runTransactionTask(task, true);

What do you think?


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