My first feeling in response to modifying the service definition with REST 
related elements/attributes was that of a purist and I guess I still feel that 
way, a line needs to be drawn somewhere or next we'll have SOAP-specific bits 
along with anything else someone wants to jam in there once the precedent is 

I think the best long term solution would be to agree that a service name alone 
doesn't perhaps serve as the best form of identification/location and that 
something like what Jacopo (and I think David a while back, perhaps this is 
what Moqui does) has suggested would make services much easier to identify 
whether using REST or not.  With 7000+ services I'm constantly frustrated 
trying to locate the one I need and get to grips with what it does.

But yeah the other option (or perhaps necessary addition) would be to perhaps 
create a new controller definition that goes specifically with a REST servlet 
and provides support for features in REST that can't be defined generically 
within a service definition.


On 7/05/2011, at 2:08 PM, Adrian Crum wrote:

> One last thing about this...
> The idea of adding a REST element to the service definition was based on 
> convenience, but some service engine "purists" might believe that it doesn't 
> belong there. An alternative would be to put the element in a separate file 
> that maps REST requests to services, but then that file could become "out of 
> sync" if the services referred to in it are deleted. An example of where that 
> approach is taken already is in the controller.xml file - where request 
> events are mapped to services. Maybe the controller.xml file should be the 
> place where REST requests are configured. I'm completely undecided about that 
> - I'm not sure which way is best. Any input from the community would be 
> appreciated.
> -Adrian
> On 5/6/2011 2:14 PM, David E Jones wrote:
>> Yes, POST semantics are more flexible in some ways in that it implies that 
>> the resource in the message is added (created) under the location specified, 
>> and because of this it supports sending multiple resources to be added 
>> there. In theory there could already be something under the location with 
>> the same name, causing an update or replacement, but that seems to be 
>> ignored, making POST seem slightly more natural as a create instead of an 
>> update.
>> PUT is for placing the data at the location and I believe does not support 
>> multiple resources in the message, and would either create if nothing was at 
>> the location or update if something was there, and I suppose that's why 
>> people consider it more for update instead of create.
>> Either way, it's messed up IMO... but that goes back to my bias against 
>> RESTful services as it seems to be using a protocol for something that it 
>> what was not intended or designed for, and it turns into repeated efforts to 
>> put round pegs in square holes (or do I have that backwards?).
>> -David
>> On May 6, 2011, at 1:52 PM, Adrian Crum wrote:
>>> Thanks David!
>>> I was thinking we would need a servlet for this - because some of the REST 
>>> semantics are in the HTTP headers as well as in the HTTP method. From what 
>>> I've read, the generally accepted convention is that POST is a create 
>>> operation, and PUT is an update operation. But I agree with you that we 
>>> need to have the method meaning clearly documented.
>>> -Adrian
>>> On 5/6/2011 10:40 AM, David E Jones wrote:
>>>> One bit of documentation I like that shows clearly how the RESTful 
>>>> services are defined and what the messages look like is the Adility API 
>>>> docs, such as this one:
>>>> The nice thing (and actually many RESTful API docs do this) is that they 
>>>> list each "service" for that service they tell you which HTTP method is 
>>>> used, and what the path to the resource is. The point of this style of 
>>>> mapping is because the HTTP methods (GET, PUT, POST, DELETE) don't really 
>>>> map naturally to, well, to anything. They don't even map well to CrUD 
>>>> operations because PUT and POST are really meant for submitting resources 
>>>> and both could technically result in a create or update, though they have 
>>>> different intended uses and semantics that confuse the matter further.
>>>> So, it's generally necessary to define service "locations" (and mappings 
>>>> to the actual service) not just as a URL, but with a HTTP method and URL 
>>>> pair.
>>>> On a side note, to handle all HTTP methods we'll need to either modify the 
>>>> ControlServlet, or (maybe preferable, and what I've done on other 
>>>> projects) just use a totally separate servlet that is meant for the 
>>>> RESTful API. In other words, because RESTful stuff relies more on lower 
>>>> level HTTP stuff it is quite different from the more generic approach the 
>>>> ControlServlet uses.
>>>> -David
>>>> On May 6, 2011, at 9:39 AM, Adrian Crum wrote:
>>>>> Here is the Amazon REST API - it could be a good source of ideas for 
>>>>> implementation:
>>>>> -Adrian
>>>>> On 5/6/2011 7:33 AM, Jacques Le Roux wrote:
>>>>>> After having read the response hyperlinks article I tend to agree with 
>>>>>> Adrian. HATEOAS seems to me a really important feature of
>>>>>> REST
>>>>>> I have still to read completly the 1st article Adrian mentionned though. 
>>>>>> I mean
>>>>>> And yes I also prefer response-hyperlink instead of hateoas-attributes
>>>>>> Jacques
>>>>>> From: "Adrian Crum"<>
>>>>>>> I don't like the idea of adding attributes to the existing service 
>>>>>>> element because we still need a way to specify response
>>>>>>> hyperlinks (HATEOAS), plus I imagine other sub-elements and additional 
>>>>>>> attributes will be needed as we build it out more.
>>>>>>> I prefer to keep the attribute names similar to the names used in the 
>>>>>>> specification - so they will make sense to developers who
>>>>>>> are familiar with REST. I came up with a better name for the 
>>>>>>> hateoas-attributes element: response-hyperlink.
>>>>>>> -Adrian
>>>>>>> On 5/6/2011 2:23 AM, Jacopo Cappellato wrote:
>>>>>>>> What about adding the "noun" and "verb" attributes to the "service" 
>>>>>>>> element?
>>>>>>>> BTW in order to write a good application I suspect that a lot of 
>>>>>>>> services should be refactored to better fit into a REST based
>>>>>>>> application.
>>>>>>>> A good candidate for a prototype could be the Webtools' "Entity Data 
>>>>>>>> Maintenance" application: we could rewrite it to work with
>>>>>>>> RESTful URIs like
>>>>>>>> webtools/entities/
>>>>>>>> webtools/entities/orderheaders/
>>>>>>>> webtools/entities/orderheaders?orderTypeId=SALES_ORDER
>>>>>>>> webtools/entities/orderheaders/10010 (CRUD using GET/POST/DELETE)
>>>>>>>> webtools/entityrelations/orderheader (this will return URLs of related 
>>>>>>>> entities)
>>>>>>>> We could provide different representations for the responses (and this 
>>>>>>>> could also serve to reimplement the "XML data export"
>>>>>>>> part).
>>>>>>>> Kind regards,
>>>>>>>> Jacopo
>>>>>>>> On May 5, 2011, at 5:06 PM, Adrian Crum wrote:
>>>>>>>>> I'm thinking we could have a new element for the service definition:
>>>>>>>>> <service name="createExample" default-entity-name="Example" 
>>>>>>>>> engine="entity-auto" invoke="create" auth="true">
>>>>>>>>>  ...
>>>>>>>>> <rest-attributes resource="example" method="POST"/>
>>>>>>>>>  ...
>>>>>>>>> </service>
>>>>>>>>> The presence of the rest-attributes element implies the service can 
>>>>>>>>> be exported via REST.
>>>>>>>>> So, a new Example can be created by sending an HTTP POST request to
>>>>>>>>> "HATEOAS" can be implemented with child elements:
>>>>>>>>> <service name="createExample" default-entity-name="Example" 
>>>>>>>>> engine="entity-auto" invoke="create" auth="true">
>>>>>>>>>  ...
>>>>>>>>> <rest-attributes resource="example" method="POST">
>>>>>>>>> <hateoas-attributes resource="exampleItem" .../>
>>>>>>>>>    ...
>>>>>>>>> </rest-attributes>
>>>>>>>>>  ...
>>>>>>>>> </service>
>>>>>>>>> <service name="createExampleItem" default-entity-name="ExampleItem" 
>>>>>>>>> engine="entity-auto" invoke="create" auth="true">
>>>>>>>>>  ...
>>>>>>>>> <rest-attributes resource="exampleItem" method="POST">
>>>>>>>>> <hateoas-attributes resource="example" .../>
>>>>>>>>>    ...
>>>>>>>>> </rest-attributes>
>>>>>>>>>  ...
>>>>>>>>> </service>
>>>>>>>>> The REST servlet will use the hateoas-attributes elements to 
>>>>>>>>> construct URLs for the REST response.
>>>>>>>>> What do you think?
>>>>>>>>> -Adrian
>>>>>>>>> On 5/4/2011 6:24 PM, Adrian Crum wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Thanks Scott!
>>>>>>>>>> I agree - the REST URLs (or URIs) should represent resources and the 
>>>>>>>>>> HTTP commands should represent actions taken on those
>>>>>>>>>> resources. I guess I was trying to take a shortcut by having REST 
>>>>>>>>>> URLs point directly to OFBiz services.
>>>>>>>>>> So we need a way to map REST URLs to the appropriate services. Maybe 
>>>>>>>>>> the service definitions could include a REST resource
>>>>>>>>>> identifier. That should be easy to implement.
>>>>>>>>>> How could we implement something like the "Link things together" 
>>>>>>>>>> section of this article:
>>>>>>>>>> (That question is for the community, not Scott specifically).
>>>>>>>>>> -Adrian
>>>>>>>>>> On 5/4/2011 5:54 PM, Scott Gray wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Adrian
>>>>>>>>>>> My limited understanding is that RESTful URLs should point to a 
>>>>>>>>>>> data resource rather than service logic resources. The verbs
>>>>>>>>>>> (HTTP request method) are used to indicate the type of operation 
>>>>>>>>>>> (CRUD) to be performed on the noun (data object).  So you'd
>>>>>>>>>>> have something like a URL that points to say the "person" resource 
>>>>>>>>>>> and using that URL you can GET a person(s), create or
>>>>>>>>>>> update (POST) a person(s) and DELETE a person.
>>>>>>>>>>> If what I say above is correct then what OFBiz lacks primarily is 
>>>>>>>>>>> the ability to map a verb and nouns combination to a
>>>>>>>>>>> specific service.  I believe David has taken some steps to 
>>>>>>>>>>> resolving that in Moqui which we could achieve by altering the way
>>>>>>>>>>> we define services or alternatively as a stop-gap measure we could 
>>>>>>>>>>> introduce an additional mapping layer which defines
>>>>>>>>>>> resource end-points and maps the request type to the appropriate 
>>>>>>>>>>> service (perhaps not so easy for POST operations that use a
>>>>>>>>>>> create or update approach but possible by checking for the presence 
>>>>>>>>>>> of specific record identifying parameters to indicate an
>>>>>>>>>>> update).
>>>>>>>>>>> What you've described below sounds more like a regular HTTP web 
>>>>>>>>>>> service approach that just makes a bit more use of the request
>>>>>>>>>>> headers than we do currently.
>>>>>>>>>>> Regards
>>>>>>>>>>> Scott
>>>>>>>>>>> HotWax Media
>>>>>>>>>>> On 5/05/2011, at 12:11 PM, Adrian Crum wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> I'm working on a project that might require accessing OFBiz 
>>>>>>>>>>>> services via REST. I know there have been discussions about using
>>>>>>>>>>>> Axis, and Chris Snow was able to get a REST library to work with 
>>>>>>>>>>>> OFBiz. Please correct me if I'm wrong, but it seems to me
>>>>>>>>>>>> OFBiz already has most of what is needed to implement REST, so 
>>>>>>>>>>>> there shouldn't be any need to use any additional libraries.
>>>>>>>>>>>> From what I understand, REST services are simply HTTP requests 
>>>>>>>>>>>> sent to a particular URL to invoke a particular service. The
>>>>>>>>>>>> request response contains any requested data in a format the REST 
>>>>>>>>>>>> client specified in the request. The HTTP commands GET,
>>>>>>>>>>>> POST, PUT,  and DELETE are used in the requests. The meaning of 
>>>>>>>>>>>> the REST HTTP commands are server-specific.
>>>>>>>>>>>> So here is what I'm thinking: Let's say we want to access OFBiz 
>>>>>>>>>>>> services via REST. We don't need to support the PUT and
>>>>>>>>>>>> DELETE commands because the services themselves determine what 
>>>>>>>>>>>> actions will be performed on the data. So, let's say that a
>>>>>>>>>>>> GET command gets information about the service, and the POST 
>>>>>>>>>>>> command invokes the service.
>>>>>>>>>>>> From my perspective, this could be implemented in two different 
>>>>>>>>>>>> ways: a REST servlet or a REST view handler. In either case,
>>>>>>>>>>>> the basic flow would be something like:
>>>>>>>>>>>> 1. Get service name from request URL, look up service model. If 
>>>>>>>>>>>> export is false, return 404.
>>>>>>>>>>>> 2. If service model auth is true, get credentials from HTTP 
>>>>>>>>>>>> header. If no credentials, return 401. If credentials are found,
>>>>>>>>>>>> attempt to log in user. If login fails, return 401.
>>>>>>>>>>>> 3. If command is GET, get Accept content type(s) from HTTP header, 
>>>>>>>>>>>> use those to find a converter. Convert service model info
>>>>>>>>>>>> to requested type and put it in the response.
>>>>>>>>>>>> 4. If command is POST, get content type from HTTP header, use that 
>>>>>>>>>>>> to find a converter. Convert POST data to service
>>>>>>>>>>>> parameters and invoke the service. Get Accept content type(s) from 
>>>>>>>>>>>> HTTP header, use those to find a converter. Convert
>>>>>>>>>>>> service result to requested type and put it in the response.
>>>>>>>>>>>> So, we could implement REST with existing artifacts - no 
>>>>>>>>>>>> additional libraries are needed (except maybe for data 
>>>>>>>>>>>> conversions).
>>>>>>>>>>>> What do you think? I'm not a REST expert, so comments are welcome!
>>>>>>>>>>>> -Adrian

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