Sorry I completly forgot about it but had a doubt in mind, that's why I send a 
message before doing anything
In you suggested some possible progresses I guess related to

I'd not prefer to stay forever stuck with 2.3.10 when everybody is going ahead. Someone I know which needs to works on an OFBIz based CMS is investigating. Maybe we could share the efforts?


From: "Hans Bakker" <>
remember that the new version was slowing down the ecommerce

On Wed, 2011-05-11 at 14:15 +0200, Jacques Le Roux wrote:

It's a while we did not update Freemarker. We use version 2.3.10 (2007-04-20), soon (16th of May) 2.3.17 will be released with some
interesting features and numerous bug fixes.
(?c) only used in geolocation.ftl, I don't expect much problems there
Interesting:  A new model interface, TemplateDirectiveModel provides an easier 
paradigm for implementing user-defined directives
than TemplateTransformModel did previously. TemplateTransformModel will be deprecated. So should still work, cases could be updated,
and easier way to do it now
In the templates, now you can conveniently call Java methods that use the Java 5 varargs feature (variable-length argument lists).
New built-ins for rounding numbers: round, floor, ceiling.
Reworked template caching mechanism for radically improved concurrent 
performance (Achieved 20x speedup)
New built-in: xhtml
?seq_index_of and ?seq_last_index_of now works on collections
?long now works for date, date-time and time values, and returns the 
milliseconds since the epoch (as java.util.Date.getTime()).
New special variable, now. This returns the current date-time.
?sort and ?sort_by now supports sorting boolean values.
FreeMarker now can log its messages directly using SLF4J or Apache Commons 

So I'd like to update soon using 2.3.17. Someone is currently testing the RC1 in a custome application (based on OFBiz of course)


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