On 14/07/2011, at 8:12 AM, Adam Heath wrote:

> On 07/11/2011 05:50 AM, Ajay Lashkari wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> when we start the ofbiz,
>> it loads framework->applications->specialpurpose and then hot-deploy.
>> so please tell me that if there is a way to change the loading order of
>> there relevant jar files , from where i can change it?
>> if there is any file exist for that configuration please tell me the name of
>> it.
> If you want to change the order of things that are loaded from hot-deploy, 
> then just change the name to something that will sort earlier alphabetically. 
>  Ie:
> hot-deploy/foo loads *after* hot-deploy/bar.  hot-deploy/00-foo would load 
> *before* bar.

Or you can just drop a component-load.xml into the hot-deploy folder and 
explicitly define the load order.

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